One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2642: Mysterious Six Eternal Warriors

"What do you think about Emperor Wuxiao Zhou?"

Su Lang invited His Highness Xiuning to sit down and said straightforwardly.

"In the Doudu universe, it is almost impossible for the Six Eternal Realm to exist."

"This class of powerful people can also get superior treatment in the Doudu Universe, with no shortage of resources and great power."

"Even if you have a secret and a hidden mind, it is almost impossible to hide it."

"Six Eternity requires countless resources for cultivation. As long as you collect resources, whether directly or indirectly, you can't hide the eyes and ears of Doudu Universe."

"Unless he is like Yu Yangli, who has a lot of resources left by Master."

"Therefore, this mysterious eternity of the six universes is very suspicious."

His Royal Highness Xiu Ning analyzed, her eyebrows were slightly puckered, which looked pretty.

"This person is lurking in the Doudu universe, collecting all kinds of information, it is very likely that he is outside the Doudu universe."

"Then, this person is probably from Suiyou Zhouyu."

Su Lang nodded slightly, "In addition, there is another Yilong universe, but it shouldn't be from there."


"Huh? Yi...Yilong universe!?"

Xiu Ning nodded, and then asked a little surprised.

"The Yilong universe is another high-level universe adjacent to us."

"The information was told by my junior brother Yu Yangli. He secretly lurked in the middle universe of the Yilong universe, and the Emperor Xiuyu also knew about the Yilong universe."

Su Lang said apologetically, "Yu Yangli, this kid is too cautious. We are all our own. I will let him stop guarding you."

"Is that right......"

"Unexpectedly, there is a third high-level universe next to us. What can we do?"

Under the Xiuning Hall, there was a glimpse of melancholy.

Doudu Zhouyu has just ended the civil war, and its combat power has been greatly reduced. It is definitely the weakest among the high-level Zhouyu.

Now the one-year-old You Universe is staring at me, and yet another Yilong Universe has appeared!

This is really worse! !

"His Royal Highness Xiu Ning need not worry too much."

"The specific location of the Yilong universe is known only by my younger brother."

"The Emperor Xiu Yuzhou only knows the place where the Yilong universe is located, and doesn't know its specific location."

"Moreover, between the Yilong universe and the Doudu universe, there are a large number of continuous white worlds!"

Su Lang smiled and shook his head, and said with relief, "The most important thing is that the chance of Yilong Zhouyu knowing that Dou Capital is located is almost non-existent."

Hear this.

"This is good, this is good."

His Royal Highness Xiu Ning's frowning brows finally loosened, and he let out a fragrant breath.

"So that mysterious Six Universe Eternal Realm is probably a spy from Suiyou Universe Realm."

Su Lang's expression was indifferent, "Of course, it is also possible that he is a strong potential cultivator, but the probability is also very small."


"Then Emperor Wuxiao Zhou can remember seeing the eternal natural cosmic coordinates of the six universes?"

The bottom of Xiuning Hall was solemn and asked.


Su Lang slowly said the coordinates, "The specific coordinates are based on the Xiyitai Universe..."

"I know."

"I'll send someone to go back in time and check that person."

His Royal Highness Xiuning nodded, although he knew that he probably couldn't find out anything, it was better than nothing.


"If you can get its breath or related things, be sure to give me a copy."

Su Lang nodded and said, "My treasure hunting flying flying glider has a strong tracking ability. As long as there is a clue, that person will never escape from my palm."

Now his treasure hunting flying flying strays have all been cooled down long ago, and the number is neatly 240 trillion!

With these treasure hunting flying flying gliders, you can condense into a treasure hunting ancestral flying flying glider, with the powerful ability to track across the natural universe!

"it is good!"

There was a hint of lightness in His Highness Xiuning's eyes, even if he was about to leave.

But at this moment.

Su Lang suddenly noticed a sudden movement from his jade card for transmission, and his expression suddenly moved.

Seeing this, His Highness Xiu Ning had a sudden movement.

"It's a message from Wang Jingchan, a three-time eternal under my command."

Su Lang put the jade card of transmission on the case table, "I asked him to pack his things and fight for the universe to see me, but he was hunted down again..."

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