One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2630: Just follow Master Su Lang’s words

Yu Yangli had already identified with the senior brother Su Lang.

And he knew that the gap between himself and Su Lang could not be filled by his cultivation.

Although Su Lang's cultivation base is low now.

But in Yang Li's eyes, Su Lang was much better than him.

Therefore, asking Su Lang for questions is not a shameful thing, but a normal thing.

And Yu Yang also happened to have countless questions about exercises that he wanted to ask Su Lang.

Throughout his life in the practice, he basically practiced on his own, and after his cultivation level surpassed the protectors, he has been cultivating on his own without anyone communicating with him.

He was willing to communicate with Emperor Xiuyu Zhou before, and it was true that there were too many backlogs, but he couldn't find the same level of warriors to exchange experience and solve problems.

At this time, with Su Lang, a ‘senior fellow’, and still a super genius, how could he not ask for advice?


"Now, let's discuss about Emperor Xiuyu Zhou."

Su Lang nodded, looked around everyone, and said lightly.

Emperor Xiuyu Zhou must die.

The question is, how should this guy die?

"Emperor Xiu Yuzhou dared to be an enemy of Senior Brother Su Lang, and he has hunted down and hunted down Senior Brother many times. He must die!"

"Junior Brother knows where he is currently hiding, so he will take Senior Brother and fellow daoists to kill him!"

The pink hunk looked angry, and he couldn't wait to catch Xiuyu and kill him immediately.

"This person is very sinful and must die!"

Elder Yu nodded, "I agree with fellow Taoist Yu Yang, and I will eradicate Emperor Xiu Yuzhou now to avoid future troubles!"

But at this moment, Su Lang shook his head.

"Master Su Lang thinks how to deal with Emperor Xiuyu Zhou?"

His Royal Highness Xiuning looked at Su Lang and asked expectantly.

When the others saw this, their eyes fell on Su Lang one after another.

"Emperor Xiuyu Zhou really must die."

"But we don't actually have to be too eager to kill him."

"With my junior brother, any whereabouts of him will be exposed under our noses, and he will not be able to make waves."

"On the contrary, he was defeated in the Doudu universe and fled to the unknown universe, but he still holds part of the natural universe in his hands."

"These natural universes can be regarded as part of the Doudu universe's background, but you can kill him directly. These backgrounds can't be gathered in a short time."

"I intend to let Junior Brother lurking by his side, instigating him to gather those details."

"Then, kill him again!"

Su Lang said indifferently.


"Master Su Lang is thoughtful and reasonable!"

"As expected of Lord Su Lang..."

Xie Xuan and others listened and nodded in agreement.


"The Emperor Xiu Yuzhou himself is also an eternal force in the seven cosmos."

"Should Junior Brother go to confuse him and let him secretly contribute to the opportunity to deal with Suiyou Zhouyu?"

Yu Yangli, the pink hunk, smiled, with a very expressive look.

"no need."

"Emperor Xiuyuzhou knows he is weak."

"No matter how you fool him, he will definitely not be exposed before Doudu and Suiyou Zhouyu's situation is settled and the outcome is divided."

"Moreover, keeping him is a variable. After he gathers the remaining details, we will kill him."

Su Lang smiled and shook his head.

He also thought about using Emperor Xiuyu Zhou's eternal combat power in the seven cosmos, but finally gave up.

One seven universe is eternal.

His cultivation level has improved, and his combat power has reached the Seven Universe Eternal, and there will be more than one hundred Seven Universe clones...

and so.

Just use the Emperor Xiuyu Zhou to collect resources.


"The Emperor Xiu Yuzhou is full of hatred for us, even if he fools him, he may change temporarily."

After listening to Su Lang's words, Yu Yangli said suddenly.

"Master Su Lang is right!"

"Just follow Master Su Lang's words!"

His Royal Highness Xiuning, Xie Xuan and other guardians of the old Zhang also nodded in agreement.


"After I return, I will go to fool the Emperor Xiu Yuzhou and let him gather the remaining details."

Yu Yangli stood up and arched his hands to everyone.

"it is good!"

"I will retire temporarily."

His Royal Highness Xiuning and others knew that Yu Yangli had something to say to Su Lang alone.

So they retired.

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