One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 260: This guy walked through the back door

Soon, he came to the second floor.

At this level, you can buy the lowest-level alchemy materials.

However, it was very deserted, except for the students and staff who had to pass here to go upstairs.

Su Lang didn't want to stay here, and walked straight upstairs.

But when he reached the top of the stairs, a student wearing a work uniform stopped him.

"This schoolboy!"

The student who stopped Su Lang showed contempt and smiled, "If you have to go to the third floor, potential students can't do it!"

As soon as this statement came out, the other students who were going upstairs cast their eyes on Su Lang.

"Oh, potential students want to go upstairs too?"

"Why doesn't this student know the rules, freshman?"

"It should be a freshman, and as far as I know, the enrollment is not over yet, so the special class has just started!"

"So, this kid is a potential student in the specialty class?"

"Tsk tusk, I didn't expect it to be a back door!"


The students stared at Su Lang and mocked without scruples.

In their eyes, potential students are the bottom of the academy.

And the potential students of the specialty class are really **** among rubbish!

Because ninety-nine percent of the specialty classes are dudes who come in through the back door.

They invaded the resources of the university and harmed the interests and face of other students, so other students would be so disdainful.

Facing everyone's ridicule, Su Lang frowned in discomfort.

Before the change, he flew with a big ear.

But now he still has to make alchemy to make money, so he shouldn't violate the rules of the institution.

"Forget it, clean them up later."

Su Lang curled his lips and immediately took out the red badge given by An Xin.

"Look at it clearly, I am a disciple of the instructor."

Passing the red badge to the working student, Su Lang said coldly, "Now, I want to use the privilege of the instructor to go upstairs!"

Seeing the badge in Su Lang's hand, everyone was shocked and shocked.

But immediately, more enthusiastic ridicule erupted from the crowd.


"This guy is a mentor disciple? How is it possible!"

"There are so many tutors in the university, and I have never heard of any tutor who will collect trash from the special class as a closed disciple!"

"That is, this guy is a potential student in the specialty class, and dare to say that he is a disciple of the instructor, I dare to conclude, fake!"

"Yes, yes, it must be fake, the badge in his hand is definitely forged!"

"Brother Li Ming, you don't need to read it, this guy's badge must be fake."


The crowd surrounded Su Lang, with more and more arrogance, disdain, and sarcasm in their eyes.

"Oh, people have taken it out, I'd better check it."

The student wearing a work uniform, the ‘Brother Li Ming’ that other students said, took the badge of the instructor disciple from Su Lang with a sneer and checked it.

But when he took a closer look, his expression suddenly changed.

Seeing that his expression changed, the others mocked Su Lang much less.

Immediately, some students were surprised.

"Senior Li Ming, is this badge real?"

"No way, how could a mentor accept this kid as a closed disciple!"

"Could it be that the fake is too terrible, and even the senior apprentice is dumbfounded?"

"It should be, it must be too rough forged!"


As everyone discussed, the male student who checked the red badge gave a light cough.


After coughing lightly, Li Ming said in shock, "This real!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone suddenly thundered and stunned!


"Senior Li Ming, are you sure you are not mistaken?"

"Don't doubt it, Senior Li Ming dare to say it, it should be true."

"But this makes people wonder, how could a teacher accept this kid as a closed disciple!"

"Yeah, my talent is so good that I can't even be a registered disciple of the instructor, this, this..."

"Could it be that this guy has a strong background? I heard that the special class is all rich dudes!"

"It should be, hey, it is really rich that can make ghosts grind, and the trash in the special class can be guarded by the instructor and the disciple."


Everyone talked a lot, their faces were filled with disbelief and strong indignation, and their eyes toward Su Lang were even full of resentment.

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