One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2596: Yu Yangli full of confidence

In a flash.

Xie Xuan then shuttled to another natural universe.

He did not stop, and continued to drive towards the target natural universe.


In the bottom universe where Xu Hu and Yu Yangli met, Xie Xuan emerged from time and space fluctuations.

"This is the universe that that guy has inherited?"

Xie Xuan looked around, shaking his whole body, the powerful Seven Universe Eternal Realm aura spread unscrupulously, announcing his arrival in a high-profile manner.

Immediately after.

He stood there, waiting quietly.

The emptiness of the universe is on a planet a few light years away.

A bald warrior with slender eyebrows in the Four Eternal Realm felt Xie Xuan's powerful message, and immediately appeared horrified.

He quickly took out the treasure of trans-universe communication and contacted Yu Yangli!

In the real universe.

Yu Yangli is working hard to cultivate, filling his crystal wall world that is about to be completed with the origin of the universe.

As a genius, he has gained a profound heritage, so he has a solid foundation.

His crystal wall world is more than 20,000 gao, and he does not need to cut the natural universe to pave the way for himself to cultivate to the level of the nine universes.

The Emperor Xiu Yuzhou on the side was also cultivating, but from time to time he would take a glance at Yang Li, a little envious in his heart.

"There's news."

"Emperor Xiu Ning has sent someone there, it is the Seven Eternal Eternity, it should be Xie Xuan.

Yu Yangli suddenly stopped practicing, took out his jade card for communication, and said while checking it.

"Xie Xuan, they are here!"

"Haha, it seems that the Taoist friends' strategy is about to succeed."

"Next, I will secretly form an alliance with the Xiuning faction, keep Su Langmeng in the drum, and wait for the day when I will kill the donkey!"

Hearing Yu Yangli's words, Emperor Xiu Yuzhou immediately stopped cultivating, showing excitement, as if he could get revenge right away.


"Although my strategy is not very sophisticated, I don't worry that Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou and others will not be fooled."

"Xie Xuan, this mess, now you know that I am the only disciple of Master Gujun?"

"To send a Four Eternal Realm here before, it was a humiliation to me!"

"If he doesn't apologize to me this time, I will definitely give him some color!"

Yu Yangli sneered a few words with a sneer on his face, but he didn't let Xie Xuan's plan go.

after all.

The flow of time in the bottom universe is very slow, and 10 million days will pass in the upper universe after one day's drying. This is something Yu Yangli cannot bear!

and so.

Yu Yangli will not only not hang Xie Xuan, but will take Xie Xuan to a middle universe to meet him.

Because this time the discussion may consume a lot of time.

As for why not let Xie Xuan go to a certain middle universe to wait in the beginning?

Naturally, I wanted Xie Xuan to see the remaining Six Paths of Inheritance, and let Yu Yang slip away by the way! !

"Be careful now."

"Should I follow you and wait for you in the next universe?"

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou looked at Yu Yangli and said seriously.

"Ha ha."

"I need?"

Yu Yangli smiled arrogantly, took out the jade card of transmission and sent a message to his subordinates.


"Then I am here waiting for good news."

Emperor Xiuyu Zhou nodded helplessly, and continued to take out the origin of the universe to practice.

"Don't worry, this will definitely happen!"

Yu Yangli smiled faintly, and then hurried towards the open middle universe under Doudu Universe.

Going to the other side's site to discuss, this is an expression of goodwill, and it is also showing one's confidence.

In that bottom universe.

Yu Yangli's subordinates received the news that it turned out to be for him to meet the seven eternal powers, lead the powers to visit the remaining heritage, and inform the location for further discussion.

Suddenly, the long brow bald warrior was shocked and his face pale.

When you meet the eternal power of the seven universes, you will be killed if you are not careful!

But there is no way.

In this endless universe, strength is everything, he is unable to resist,


The long brow and bald warrior sighed, shuttled through the space, and quickly appeared in Xie Xuan's spiritual thoughts.

"Who are you?"

Xie Xuan frowned slightly when he saw the eternal power of these four universes, and asked.

"Return to senior!"

"The little one is arranged here by the host to receive adults!"

The long brow bald warrior saluted tremblingly, and said cautiously.

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