"Yes, in an instant!"

"In addition, Master Su Lang has also refined a high-level eternal emperor pill for me, eternal formation."

"All these treasures refined by Master Su Lang are of perfect quality!"

Xie Xuan nodded heavily and smiled, "I was very happy originally and planned to reward you with something, but I was actually reluctant to reward others with the treasures refined by Daoist Su Lang."

This statement came out.

Xu Hu stood there, like a sculpture!


A high-level eternal eternal eternal pill of perfect quality? Still have a formation?

Xie Xuan was reluctant to give it away! ?

This is really something human can refine! ? And still the same person?

Xu Hu only felt that he was in a dream, otherwise how could he have heard such an outrageous thing!

"Ha ha."

"Is this stunned?"

"Actually, this is not the true strength of Lord Su Lang."

"When you came, you met Xiao Mou, do you know why he was so happy too?"

Xie Xuan chuckled lightly, and looked at Xu Hu who was dumbfounded, feeling very interesting.

"Mou, a certain senior?"

"Isn't he happy because you are happy, elder?"

Xu Hu returned to his senses and said in a daze. He suddenly stiffened and remembered what Senior Mou had said to him.


"I remembered!"

"Yes, he also received the favor of Master Su Lang, he was promoted to weapons, and he received a perfect quality pill and formation."

"All the existences of my Xiuning faction above the eternity of the five universes have been gifted by Master Su Lang!"

"Everyone's weapons have been raised to a small level, and everyone has received many immortal pills, and cherish the incomparable formation!"

Xie Xuan's words sounded like deafening thunders in Xu Hu's ears, "The point is that Master Su Lang completed these things in less than a quarter of an hour."

"It's less than a quarter of an hour...Promote weapons and refine the pill formation for all members of the Five Eternal Realm and above!?"

Xu Hu's eyes stared like fish eyes, his mouth was stunned, his voice trembling, stammering, and his brain was almost blank!

I have seen the three inheritances of Yu Yangli's pill formation.

He thought this must be the inheritance left by the world's most powerful pill Array master.

but now.

"Yu Yangli's inheritance of the pill array is compared with Master Su Lang..."

"No, it can't be compared with the three attainments of Master Su Lang's pill formation!"

"Master Su Lang's three attainments in the pill formation have far surpassed the eternal martial artist who left behind the three inheritance!"

Xu Hu murmured blankly, his eyes burst into light, and the whole person was completely regained, full of worship!


"Master Su Lang's own attainments have already surpassed that person's master."

"It can be seen that the inheritance of Master Su Lang is definitely more terrifying!"

"If my previous inference is correct, that person and Su Lang are both inheritors."

A smile appeared on Xie Xuan's face, "Then, Su Lang must be a real passer-by, and that person is not even a named disciple."

"What the elder said is reasonable!"

Xu Hu nodded in agreement, and smiled, "That person is just a named disciple, who has gained a bit of inheritance, but he said that Lord Su Lang, the direct disciple, is a fake. It's really funny!"


"That person is waiting for my reply?"

Xie Xuan smiled and asked.

"Yes, elder!"

Xu Hu nodded and replied.

"If I don't reply to him, he will definitely not give up."

Xie Xuan's face showed a hint of playfulness, "In this case, I will let him understand that he is just a clown."

"The little one is willing to go again for the elders!"

Xu Hu clasped his hands together, willing to take over this errand.


"If you let you go this time, he might kill you."

"It's the same for the others."

Xie Xuan shook his head, "So this time, I will go personally."

"Elder Xie is compassionate!"

Xu Hu was moved and bowed.

"Go down."

"Efforts to stand out and enter the eyes of Master Su Lang, the benefits are endless!"

Xie Xuan nodded slightly and waved his hand to let Xu Hu leave.

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