Finally, it was finally the turn of those Five Eternal Warriors.

These warriors who can almost dominate a middle-level universe and dominate hundreds of natural universes are just little brothers here, and in front of Su Lang, they have become younger brothers.

The younger brothers saluted Su Lang respectfully one by one, and the attitude was so humble and humble.

Su Lang smiled and treated him equally.

In a short time, the weapons of the eternal powerhouses of the five universes were strengthened once.

These Five Eternal Warriors are generally wealthier than Pei Yuxiao.

Many people have four eternal weapons, and some have only three eternal weapons.

Su Lang all helped them raise their weapons to a small level.

Then these Five Eternals were grateful and couldn't wait to bend down and hug Su Lang's thigh.

Su Lang smiled faintly, waved, and drove them all back to their original positions.


Including His Royal Highness Xiuning, everyone's eyes focused on Su Lang again.

"Weapon is almost promoted."

"Next, I plan to refine alchemy for everyone."

"But the formation method only refines the four eternal realms, and the eternal pill is only refined for the five eternal pill."

"The eternal realm pill that I have is not too many, nor is it too few. You can choose one and give me the materials."

Su Lang looked around at the crowd, turned his head to look at Xiuning, and threw out a piece of jade slip, "Let’s start with His Royal Highness Xiuning, what kind of pill and formation does His Highness want?"

Everyone turned their eyes and looked at Xiuning and the jade slip.

The jade slip contained the pills and formations mastered by Master Su Lang, but I don't know how much he mastered?

at this time.

Xiu Ning probed into the jade slip with divine mind, his expression suddenly changed, revealing deep surprise.

Because there are too many formations and medicines recorded in the jade slips!

All kinds of formations, all kinds of pills, my Royal Highness Xiu Ning was dazzled!

It should be understood that Xiu Ning is a great power who rules half of the Doudu universe, and has very broad knowledge.

She is well aware of the difficulties of eternal realm alchemy and formation.

A general eternal realm alchemist, there are only more than ten or twenty kinds of eternal pill that can be refined, and the formation master is similar.

But in Su Lang's jade slip, there are hundreds of eternal realm medicines recorded!

There is a record of the pill that no one has ever seen in the Doudu universe.

Except for pill.

The four eternal formations recorded in the jade slips are also very many.

Maybe the entire Dou was added by all the eternal array wizards in the universe, and the four eternal arrays he mastered might not be comparable.

Seeing Xiuning glance at the jade slip, he stood there astonished.

All the eternal emperors suddenly understood that the things recorded in the jade slip were absolutely shocking and unbelievable!

"Even His Royal Highness Xiuning is so shocked, Master Su Lang's Array Dao Dan Dao is definitely not weaker than Qi Dao!"

"I know the formation, Master Su Lang's formation can crush all eternal formation mages in Doudu universe!"

"Master Su Lang's alchemy is sure to be the best, and no one can beat the Doudu universe!"

"We are so lucky to be able to form an alliance with Lord Su Lang!"

"Yes, if we hadn't made an alliance with Lord Su Lang, we would have missed a great opportunity that we would never encounter in this lifetime!"

"I don't know what eternal medicine Xiu Ning will choose?"

"Haha, let's wait and see!"


The eyes of the eternal emperors kept switching back and forth between the jade slip and Su Lang in the hands of His Royal Highness Xiuning.

Everyone couldn't help but communicate with people around him, exclaiming.

But they did not know.

Su Lang only learned so many pills and formations not long ago.

They were all learned from the classics of the alchemy array that were obtained by the eternal powerhouse of the eternal power of killing jade.

Su Lang has almost all the eternal realm pill in Doudu universe now.

Even if you don't master it, it doesn't matter.

At this time.

"Friend Su Lang."

"This is the pill and formation that I chose!"

His Royal Highness Xiu Ning selected the medicine and the formation, took a deep breath, portrayed a jade slip and handed it to Su Lang.

When submitting the jade slip, his eyes were filled with excitement and expectation.

"Well, let me Kangkang."

Su Lang smiled and nodded, took the jade slip, and dived into his spiritual thoughts.

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