One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2569: Xiuyu and Yu Yangli support each other

This jade slip contains more natural cosmic coordinates.

Before that.

He has given Yu Yangli many natural cosmic coordinates.

This second jade slip is equivalent to compensation.

"Ha ha."

"You still owe me!"

Yu Yangli took the jade slip, swept away his spiritual thoughts, and said indifferently.

"Then what compensation do you want?"

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou's expression remained unchanged, "I don't want to repay me now."


"Don't talk about it."

Yu Yang twitched the corner of his mouth and changed the subject, "Su Lang and the Xiuning faction form an alliance, and they are now in a period of weak trust. It is a good time for separation."

"Well, we really shouldn't miss this great opportunity."

"The two pawns you eroded me just came in handy!"

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou smiled, "I'll leave it to you for this matter. I want to first understand the inheritance of Senior Gujun!"

After getting that Gujun Third Secret.

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou was thinking about comprehension all the time, and couldn't wait long ago.

"I don't bother to handle this kind of thing myself, just leave it to my subordinates."

"And our strength is the key to victory!"

"We must hurry up and improve our strength, otherwise all conspiracies and tricks will be wasted."

"The time flow rate of the upper universe is too advantageous!"

Yu Yangli shook his head and said with a gloomy expression.

"You mean."

"We two support each other and speed up each other's time!?"

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou frowned, and the smile on his face was replaced by a deep seriousness.

The eternal strong can use the Avenue of Time to accelerate, decelerate, and stagnate the time around the body and the inner world.

But the time experienced by his own deity alone is consistent with the timeline of the natural universe where he is currently located.

simply put.

The eternal strong cannot speed up time for himself and increase his cultivation speed.


Although the eternal powerhouse is an existence beyond the universe and possesses his own time avenue, it is a human-shaped universe.

But precisely because of this, the eternal strong, like the natural universe, cannot change their own time.

The timeline of any natural universe cannot be changed by itself.

The eternal strong cannot change their timeline by themselves.

To change your time, you can only rely on external forces.

For example, if an eternal strong person enters the middle universe from the bottom universe, his time becomes faster.

This is dependent on the external force of the time velocity of the middle universe.

It is the time power of the middle-level natural universe that acts on the humanoid universe of the eternal powerhouse and changes his time.

of course.

The eternal powerhouse wants to speed up time for himself and obtain a rapid cultivation speed, not necessarily to go to a higher level of natural universe.

There is one more option.

That is, the cultivator enters the crystal wall universe or life universe of another eternal strong man.


This eternal power as a tool man consumes the power of the universe and accelerates the time of the crystal wall universe or the universe of life, thereby changing the practitioner's own time.

For example, Su Lang accelerated his Dantian universe so that Chu Xiaobei and others could obtain a faster time flow. This is the reason.

Yu Yangli used this method to reach this point since he got the inheritance of Emperor Gujun Zhou.

Rely on the power of his eternal protector to accelerate his cultivation.


He has inherited it to the present, even if he slowly moved to the middle universe halfway, he could hardly reach the current level of Emperor Xiuyu Zhou.

after all.

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou is also an eternal arrogant.

Can he rule half of the high-level universe?

But it happened to be caught up by Yu Yangli!

It is Yu Yang's plan to rely on another eternal strong man to speed up his time.

He and Emperor Xiuyu Zhou will act as tools for each other, speed up the time and increase the speed of cultivation!


The conditions for this cultivation method are relatively harsh.

First, a strong trust between both parties is required.

Therefore, this approach is very risky for both parties.

Secondly, this method is very scary for the consumption of ‘tool man’.

This can be seen from Su Lang's acceleration of the consumption of the Dantian universe.

That was the sword of life that was used dull and dull, and the restorative pill was knocked out.

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