One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2567: This idiot is at your disposal

This statement came out.

Everyone immediately stopped arguing, glanced at each other, and nodded.

Minghua is indeed a more suitable candidate.

"If this is the case, let the Minghua guardian **** it."

His Royal Highness Xiu Ning nodded slightly and immediately stood up.

"Yes! Your Highness Xiuning!"

The guardians of the elders saluted and retired.

The Mingwu incident was just a small episode, and they were still thinking about the original technique given by Su Lang.

Emperor Minghua took Mingwu in his hand, bowed to Xiuning, and flew towards the opposite platform.

On the way.

Emperor Mingwu Zhou has been stunned, murmuring the word'impossible' from time to time.

Not long.

Emperor Minghua took Ming Wu to the opposite platform.

An unforgettable sight appeared before my eyes

——Countless cosmic energies form a colorful sky river, surrounding Su Lang to form a terrifying vortex!

Su Lang is like a black hole, absorbing cosmic energy frantically.


"This kind of energy absorption speed is too fast!"

"Even if I try my best to absorb the energy of the universe, I can't compare to Master Su Lang's one ten thousandth!"

"As expected of that mighty inheritor, it's terrifying!"

Emperor Minghua saw Su Lang absorbing the energy of the universe, his face was full of shock.

Do not say anything else.

The absorption speed of this cosmic energy alone is unique in the Doudu universe!

at the same time.

"He is still alive!"

"He really is alive!"

"This is not true, how could he escape from Emperor Xiu Yuzhou's hands!"

"How powerful the Xiuyu faction is, he cannot escape, let alone help Xiu Ning defeat the Xiuyu faction!"

"This is an illusion, yes, I must have an illusion!"

"These are fake, hahaha!"


Emperor Ming Wu Zhou looked at Su Lang who sat cross-legged on the opposing platform, his entire face was dull, and he burst into a burst of laughter.

"Shut up!"

Emperor Minghua slapped Mingwu's face with a slap, causing Mingwu to vomit blood, and Wuya was speechless.

This is to prevent disturbing Su Lang's practice.

After all, such a dynamic way of cultivation must be very important and cannot be affected by it.


That's it!


After smoking Mingwu.

Emperor Minghua planned to retreat with Ming Wu and waited for Su Lang's round of cultivation to end before going forward.

But at this moment.

"Minghua protector?"

"What can you do with Emperor Mingwu Zhou?"

Su Lang's questioning voice resounded in the ears of Emperor Minghua Zhou.

Emperor Minghua was taken aback.

During such an important cultivation process, Su Lang could still speak distracted! ?

"Master Su Lang is now practicing."

"The next thing doesn't matter, we should wait for the adults to finish their cultivation."

Emperor Minghua's thoughts flowed in his heart, and said respectfully.

"Don't be surprised."

"I'm just absorbing energy."

"It's not a retreat that cannot be disturbed."

"What's the matter with Minghua protector, you can come up and tell."

Su Lang smiled and waved to Emperor Minghua Zhou.

This statement came out.

Emperor Minghua Zhou was shocked.

It's incredible to be able to speak randomly in such a dynamic practice.

However, Emperor Minghua also believed in Su Lang, and flew onto the opposite platform with Ming Wu, who was sullen and dull and stiff.


Say nothing.

Emperor Minghua directly pressed Mingwu to kneel in front of Su Lang, and his body also crawled, unable to straighten up.

"Minghua protector, why is this?"

Su Lang looked at Emperor Minghua Zhou and Ming Wu who was kneeling in front of him, and asked lightly.

"Master Su Lang."

"It was the idiot Mingwu who leaked information about you, and Xiuyu's plan to deceive you succeeded."

"This idiot is unforgivable. Leave it to you."

Emperor Minghua folded his hand and said with respect.

"That's it."

Su Lang nodded slightly, a chill flashed in his eyes.

Ming Wu was the person who connected with him, but he leaked information, which is undoubtedly a kind of betrayal.

Even Mingwu's betrayal did not cause serious consequences.

But this still cannot be easily forgiven.

"The person has been brought here, so I will leave."

Emperor Minghua made another quick gesture and said goodbye to Su Lang.


Su Lang nodded, and then watched Emperor Minghua Zhou leave.


Only Su Lang and Ming Wu Zhou were left on the platform.


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