One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2555: Ask Senior Su Lang to teach me

Although this pair of platforms was perfected instantly by a single thought.

But how to set up the formation and how to perfect it is his own ability.

In this Doudu universe, below the eternal level of the Four Universes, his formation skills are invincible.

After all, he had learned many formations before destroying Xiuyu's battle.

I also learned a lot of formations when I went to Xuanyi Zhougong.

In addition.

The clones, the treasure hunting flying flying gliders spread all over the land of the jade repair faction.

Wherever he went, he learned all the formations below the Five Eternity!

Go to Xiuning's side.

All the formations in the Ziyu Tiangong, including the formations below the Five Eternal Eternity of this pair of platforms, were also learned.

The key is.

All the formations learned have reached the most perfect level, and they are not weaker than those who created the formations.

Even on the basis of the current formation method learned, it can be improved to a higher level.

and so.

He came to teach this group of mages, it was completely qualified.

"Senior Su Lang, please teach me!"

"Senior Su Lang, the junior wants to learn the tricks of rapid formation, and the junior is willing to trade at all costs!"

"Senior, please, please!"


Seeing Su Lang's question, the eternal array mages suddenly felt that there was something to play, and couldn't help asking harder.


Someone already knelt down and kowtow.

The first eternal array mage knelt down, the second, the third... not to be outdone, knelt down and begged.

"Everyone, get up."

"There is no other way to set up the formation quickly, but you are familiar with it."

"This, you can only rely on your own continuous practice to gradually achieve this."

Su Lang looked around at the crowd and shook his head lightly.

This statement came out.

The mages of the array were suddenly struck by lightning, their complexions pale, and their eyes gloomy.

Su Lang refused to teach them!


No one complained.

This is an extremely cherished heritage.

How could it be possible to beg when I just met, knelt down and begged?

It is normal not to teach.

But just when everyone's hearts were gloomy.

"If you want to set up quickly, you can only practice by yourself."

"But I can teach you some of the profound meaning of the formation."

"It's just that, I can only teach you the profound meaning of the formation under the eternal realm of the four universes, higher, and I will talk about it later."

Su Lang's expression remained unchanged, and he still said lightly.

This statement came out.

The eternal array mages were dumbfounded, and then their faces wriggled, forming extremely excited expressions!

"Senior Su Lang, even promised to teach us!!"

"Oh my God, even if it's just the profound meaning of the formation of the Four Eternal Realm, it is unbelievable!"

"Senior Su Lang is benevolent and righteous, the younger generations will definitely be the best for the seniors, let them spur them!"

"Senior Su Lang, please be kind, so that the younger generation can call you a teacher!"


The eternal array mages knelt in the void, ecstatically bowed their heads and thanked them. Some people also expected to become Su Lang's disciples.

"The situation in the Doudu universe is critical."

"I don't have much time to teach you."

"I can only give you some classics of formation, with my experience and notes on them."

"If you can't teach you, you don't have to be a master and disciple."

Su Lang said faintly as he complained.

——Be a cow or a horse for me, let me spur? Xiu Ning, this big beauty is about the same...

Those eternal array mages who wanted to apprentice were rejected by Su Lang, and a touch of loss was suddenly revealed in their ecstasy.

"Taoist Su Lang knows everything every day."

"How can I waste time on you."

"Friends of Daoist have promised to teach you the profound meaning of the Dao, you dare to make an inch, I really don't know what to do!"

His Royal Highness Xiu Ning could not help but yelled at the sight of these array wizards being turned down after being refused to apprentice.

She knows very well that these guys are all brazen.

"Junior, thank senior Su Lang for his kindness!"

"Thank you senior, thank you senior, from now on this junior will be sent by senior only! Oh, and your Royal Highness Xiuning!"

"Senior great kindness, there is no retribution in the next, and I will always keep in mind the teachings of my seniors and never let go of the formation practice!"


The mages of the formation were scolded by His Highness Xiu Ning, and they immediately realized that they had been so excited and rude.

After returning to God, he immediately thanked Su Lang, and then bowed his head to wait for Su Lang to bestow the scriptures.

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