One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2542: The alliance between Xiuyu and Yu Yangli

"Ha ha."

"You are so arrogant!"

"If I had not met Su Lang, then you would be the most arrogant person I have ever seen."

"Tell me, where did you come from the confidence to be able to take advantage of it!?"

"Never mind Xiuning, how much do you know about Su Lang, he is a completely invisible monster!"

"Just because of his identity, it is extremely scary to think about it. Do you know that he was not sent by Suiyou Zhouyu?"

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou sneered and asked noncommittal.

"The possibility is too small."

"This point, presumably you and the Xiuning faction have already inferred."

"I prefer Su Lang to be an eternal warrior who has been hiding in certain natural universes for countless years, just like me."

"The eternal warrior claims to be eternal, but not truly immortal."

"Maybe he has existed for trillions of years, his life is not much, and he has discovered the secrets of the Nine Desolate Universe, so he can use this to disguise his identity, come to a'beheading to show off', and be recruited into Doudu. universe."

"The fact that there is not much Shouyuan may also explain why he took such a big risk to form an alliance with Xiuning's faction."

There was a flash of thinking in Yu Yangli's expression.


"Then, if he is really the **** of Sui Youzhou Domain, maybe the battle will begin soon."

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou frowned and nodded.

"If Su Lang is really from Suiyou Zhouyu, Suiyou Zhouyu will almost certainly win."

"The Suiyou Universe Region, which occupies the Doudu Universe Region, will greatly increase its strength and may be comparable to the third high-level Universe Universe Region."

Yu Yangli nodded slightly, and sighed slightly in his heart.

His starting point is too low.

He has inheritance and talent, but his foundation is too thin.

Walking in this universe, like walking on thin ice, you will fall if you don't pay attention.

"Ruosui You Zhouyu really won."

"Based on my understanding of the Doudu universe, we have a lot to do when we join the third-party high-level universe."

"But before that, we can't wait and see the changes!"

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou looked at Yu Yangli and couldn't hear any emotion in his tone.

"I know what you want to do."

Yu Yangli smiled, "Try it then."


Emperor Xiu Yuzhou nodded, "We are now an alliance."

"Well, it's an alliance."

"I need a lot of training resources, you support me first."

Yu Yangli nodded, smiled and stretched out his hand, wanting to see Emperor Xiuyu Zhou.


"If it was before, I can support you."

"But now I can be said to be impoverished!"

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou was stunned for a while, then his face gradually became pale, "That Su Lang..."

After listening to Emperor Xiu Yuzhou finishing Su Langkeng's own affairs.

Yu Yang couldn't help but his eyes widened!

His plate in Doudu Universe only has the Five Eternal Eternity, he really doesn't know this!


The dignified Seven Eternity, the helm of an eternal great power, was actually pitted to be almost impoverished, it is really embarrassing!

But after sighing.

Yu Yangli couldn't laugh anymore.

He came to form an alliance with Emperor Xiuyu Zhou, and one of the most important reasons was that he was interested in the money of Emperor Xiuyu Zhou, rather than greedy the body of Emperor Xiuyu Zhou!

But now.

Emperor Xiuyu Zhou is a pauper!

"How to do?"

"Do you want to abandon him?"

Yu Yangli thought a little depressed.

"I really have very little training resources."

"But there are still some of the teams trained before."

"Emperor Xiuyu Zhou can swallow my territory in the Doudu universe in a short time."

"But in Doudu Universe, the team I built for countless years is not so easy to eat away."

"Even if all my surviving subordinates surrendered to Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou, I still have a part of the natural universe that only I know."

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou saw the depression in Yu Yangli's eyes and said with a cold expression.

His liquidity is indeed finished, and he has lost a lot of fixed assets, but he still has some wealth.

"I understand!"

Yu Yangli nodded slightly, and covered the smile at the corner of his mouth with a small handkerchief.


"Don't think of the empty glove white wolf."

Emperor Xiuyu Zhou snorted coldly, "The inheritance of Emperor Gujun Zhou, you must share with me!"


Yu Yangli chuckled and waved his hand for fear, "You also want to show me the inheritance of Emperor Dou Xiu Zhou!"

It was at the time when Emperor Xiu Yuzhou and Yu Yangli formed an alliance.

Doudu universe.

The top of Luanzhi, the purple jade palace.


A vast golden figure descended and turned into Su Lang's appearance.

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