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Chapter 2524: Killing the eternal strong is like killing pigs and sheep


Emperor Xie Langzhou and others were dumbfounded, dumbfounded, their eyes were about to fall out.

Some people even showed madness and laughed wildly.

In short.

With these remaining guys from the Xiuyu faction, no one believed that the powerful emperor Xiuyu Zhou was defeated by Su Lang.

"Ha ha."

"Believe it or not, there are people dying."

"And those who survived, you are very lucky, you can see the incredible heroic figure of Daoist Su Lang in the future!"

Elder Yu smiled coldly, shook his head at the crowd with disdain, then looked straight, clasped his fists and arched his hands at Su Lang, and bowed slightly.

"Everyone is absurd."

Su Lang smiled, returned a bow, turned to look at Emperor Xie Langzhou and others, "Don't worry, as long as you are not too evil, I will not kill."

This statement came out.

The remnants of the Xiuyu faction below immediately knew that even if they no longer believed it and could no longer accept it, what Xiu Ning Zhou Emperor and others said was the truth.

It really was Su Lang who rescued Xiu Ning and the others and defeated Emperor Xiu Yuzhou and others!

As for the remnants of their jade repair faction, there is only one end at this time, and that is to fall into Su Lang's hands and let them be slaughtered.

Su Lang kills whoever wants to kill!

Thought of this.

Many eternal warriors could not help being frightened.

For countless years, they have relied on powerful forces to do whatever they want, and they have committed many sins.

They are going to be liquidated at this time, how can they escape! ?

Among them, Emperor Xie Langzhou was completely desperate.

He himself committed countless evils, was one of the confidants of Emperor Xiu Yuzhou, and deceived Su Lang!

This is enough for Su Lang to kill him three times!

Of course, there are also people who claim to be more kind, and they are slightly relieved.

At this time.

Su Lang headed forward on the Infinite.

The huge mecha shrank a lot and became taller, with the Youtian Sword in the right hand and the Life Sword in the left hand, surrounded by the eight-sided shield and four incense eternal emperor soldiers.

See this scene.

Everyone in the audience fell into dead silence.

They know that the next time is the time to be judged.

Whether he is dead or alive is completely between Su Lang's thoughts!

The atmosphere is extremely tense, like a string about to break!

It can be said that even if a single piece of hair fell on the ground now, many people would be shocked and urinated!

"Expand your mind!"

"There must be no defense."

"Otherwise, I will kill you directly."

Su Lang came to the sky above the crowd, condescendingly overlooking them.

No one dared to speak, but they had all let go of their guards.

Even Emperor Xie Langzhou is no exception. Even if he is desperate, his survival instinct still drives him to do so.

"He knows everything!"

Su Lang looked down at the crowd, directly unfolded his strange heart, and began to spy on people's hearts.


The life experiences of eternal warriors emerged one by one.

In the long years, these warriors have spent most of the time practicing and practicing martial arts painfully, dull and the same.

The rest of the years will be the "wonderful life" of these eternal warriors.

Su Lang is not a black and white person, let alone a Virgin.

These eternal realms can be cultivated to the current level, who has not got a lot of blood on their hands?

As long as he does not exceed Su Lang's bottom line, he will not kill.

Those who are really intolerable will regard it as a killer.

Emperor Xie Langzhou is one of the people who must kill.

This person is very evil, likes to devour the eyes of humanoid creatures, and eats trillions of creatures at a time, extremely vicious!

"Emperor Xie Langzhou, die!"

Su Lang's expression was cold, and with a move in his heart, Wu Bian held the Youtian Sword and cut out a move [Broken a Sword]!

"Do not!"

The last trace of luck in the heart of Emperor Xie Langzhou shattered, his face twisted and hideous, and he planned to escape on the spot.

But the surrounding time and space has been banned by His Highness Xiuning and other strong men.

Moreover, the mirror flowers on the Boundless ship, through the heart lock, Qibao Miaoshu also launched together.

Emperor Xie Langzhou fell directly into the psychedelic, and was further imprisoned by the heart-piercing lock.

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