One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2521: I didn’t say that Su Lang can’t kill people

"His Royal Highness Xiuyu has no news."

"Let's escape from Doudu Universe first and look for His Royal Highness Xiuyu."

Emperor Xie Langzhou sighed, and then took out the transmission treasure, ready to spread the news to people who can be trusted, and let them escape together.

As for those who cannot be trusted, and those who are too weak, let them be deceived and passively stay behind.


Just as Emperor Xie Langzhou was preparing to send a message.

"Time and space are boundless!"

A clear voice came, and immediately a beautiful woman emerged, sealing the surrounding time and space of a million light years with her hand!

The visitor was His Royal Highness Xiuning.

Xuanyi Zhou Palace and Ancestral Temple are the most important places of the jade repair school, how could she let it go and directly set them as the first destination!

"Xiu... Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou!"

"No, how could you come so fast!"

Emperor Xie Langzhou and the eternal warrior of the Five Universes looked at His Royal Highness Xiuning who suddenly appeared, and their faces suddenly turned gray, with endless despair and horror in their eyes.

"Catch it with nothing, or should I do it myself?"

His Royal Highness Xiuning indifferently looked down at the two Emperor Xie Langzhou.

If it weren't for Su Lang to let her try to catch the enemy alive, she wouldn't be talking nonsense at this time, and the attack would just fall.

"I, we surrender!!"

Emperor Xie Langzhou thought he was dead.

Because he is the most loyal dog of Emperor Xiuyu Zhou, it is impossible for His Highness Xiuning to trust him.

But now, His Highness Xiuning didn't kill him!

In a flash.

He thought of Suiyou Zhouyu.


His Royal Highness Xiu Ning had to deal with Sui You Zhou Yu, and he was short of manpower, so he was saved from death!

This thought appeared in the heart of Emperor Xie Langzhou, making him greatly relieved.

"Thank your Highness Xiuning for his mercy!"

"I'll wait for my sins and do meritorious service, and I will definitely live up to the expectations of His Highness Xiuning!"


Emperor Xie Langzhou and the eternal warrior of the Five Universes directly knelt down, crawling on the ground extremely humble, giving up all resistance.


"You contact the rest."

"Let them come here."

"But don't tell me the news yet."

His Royal Highness Xiu Ning looked down at Emperor Xie Langzhou and said indifferently, "When the time comes, I will not kill him if I am willing to catch him."


"His Majesty Xie Weiwei Xiuning is magnanimous, I am so grateful that I will return the kindness of His Highness!!"

Emperor Xie Langzhou and the five universes were filled with eternal surprises, and they kept knocking their heads to express their surrender.

But where do they know.

His Royal Highness Xiu Ning looks black when cut open!

She said that she would not kill, but she did not say that Su Lang would not kill.

Immediately after.

Emperor Xie Langzhou immediately contacted the remaining Six Eternal Realms and Five Eternal Realms and asked them to assemble quickly, but did not say the specific reason.

And the power of the branches everywhere, they all felt the battle that happened before.

Therefore, they all thought that Emperor Xiuyu Zhou had won the battle. At this time, they had to convene everyone to gather together and be happy.


They immediately went to the Xuanyi Palace.

There are convenient routes to the Xuanyi Zhou Palace from various places, so they will be gathered soon.


When they arrived, they discovered that His Royal Highness Xiuning was floating above the Xuanyi Palace!

But Emperor Xie Langzhou and the others actually kneeled on the ground, looking like a slave dog!


"What the **** is going on, how could Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou be here!"

"Emperor Xie Langzhou is a traitor, this is a trap!"


Many six universes saw this scene forever, and they were shocked and terrified.


They found that the time and space around them had been banned by His Highness Xiuning.

In the realm of eternity, a small realm higher can form the potential of crushing!

What's more, Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou is still the leader of the Seven Eternity!

All the powerful cultivators who came to the ancestral temple can hardly escape!

In addition.

Emperor Xie Langzhou is also announcing that the seven elders are all annihilated, that the twelve eternal powers of the six cosmos have completely fallen, and the fact that Emperor Xiuyu is missing!


Everyone knows that they are defeated here!

They looked at the people around them in disbelief, one by one thunderously, their mouths were speechless, and they were completely speechless!

Someone was horrified and lost their soul, walked into the ancestral temple in a daze, and then fell limp to the ground!

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