One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2519: It’s all over, everything is over


They saw a mysterious powerhouse with unfathomable breath emerging out of thin air.

This person has a long sword in his right hand and a long life lock in his left hand. The eight black jade chains dance around like tentacles. It is one of Su Lang's Xing Cuan Yun He clone.

"who are you!"

"How dare to break into my palace!"

"You know that I am the city lord of Yongcheng Xiaoxiao appointed by His Royal Highness Xiuyu!"


The eyes of the Wuzhou Eternal Martial Artist suddenly shrank, and his whole body was a little cold, but he did not give in.

Because he is the one who repaired Yuzhou Emperor!

"Ha ha!"

"The Emperor Xiuyu Zhou in your mouth has already run away!"

Su Lang avatar smiled coldly, and immediately did not talk nonsense, and directly waved the mirror to draw everything in the entire giant city into the illusion! !


The Five Eternal Warriors stood in place.

A black jade chain stepped forward, passing through his body and soul like a poisonous snake.

As for the rest of the giant city.

Su Lang's clone was taken directly into the universe of life, not one left.

at the same time.

Su Lang's other clone is also armed with incense weapons, using the Seven Treasure Tree and the Purple Gourd to kill the eternal strong.

have to say.

There is a master and there is a servant.

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou was more cruel and cruel, and most of his men were not good people.

Su Lang looked at it with his heart, and most of them could see the recent sins of these people.

Not to mention the mistakes these people committed over a long period of time.


Su Lang killed a lot of people.

In a short time, five eternal warriors of the five universes were killed.

at the same time.

His Royal Highness Xiuning and others are still on the way...

After all, they don't have the weird means like Su Lang, they can directly send the clone to the enemy's lair.

Even if there are more brilliant displacement methods, they are slower than Su Lang.

Just as Su Lang slaughtered each eternal warrior who repaired jade.

Xuan Yi Zhou Palace.

Emperor Xie Langzhou received the order from Emperor Xiuyu Zhou to guard this palace temporarily.

at this time.

He was looking in the direction of heart-palpitations.

Compared to the others, Emperor Xie Langzhou knew more.

He knew that Su Lang had already appeared, and he was surrounded by Emperor Xiuyu Zhou and others.

I also know that the people of the Xiu Ning faction are constantly looking for Su Lang, and that there are plates in the Xiuyu faction, and they will soon learn about Su Lang's traces.

"Such a huge movement."

"His Royal Highness Xiuyu must have fought with the group of Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou."

"Sure enough, Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou and the others also found the trail of Su Lang and chased after him!"

"Hehe, Xiuning faction, facing the great His Royal Highness Xiuyu, it will definitely be a complete defeat!"

"Now the movement has almost dissipated, and the palpitations have disappeared."

"If you think about it, the war must have ended, and everyone from the Xiuning faction has already been defeated and fled."

"Using the means of His Royal Highness Xiuyu, it is impossible to let the Xiuning faction leave a few Seven Universe Powers!"

"Hahaha, after this battle, no one can stop the footsteps of our jade repair faction uniting the capital!"

"At that time, my authority will go further, which is really exciting!"


Emperor Xie Langzhou looked at the direction of the battle. Although he could not see the battle, he was convinced that Emperor Xiuyuzhou would win.

It's not just him.

Almost all people in Doudu universe who knew about this thought so.

Even some of the people under His Royal Highness Xiu Ning's attitude are relatively pessimistic.

after all.

The Xiuning faction is already a little weaker, and at this time it doesn't occupy a favorable position. How can it be possible to win the war?

But just when Emperor Xie Lang Zhou imagined a better life in the future.

A horrified scream suddenly reached his ears!

"Master Xie Lang!!"

"It's not good, it's all over, everything is over!!"


An eternal warrior of the Five Universes appeared in a panic in front of Emperor Xie Langzhou, and the twisted face was full of fright!

Emperor Xie Langzhou knew this person.

Because this person was under his command, he was sent to guard the ancestral shrine of the Xiuyu school.

The Ancestral Temple was established hundreds of millions of years ago, and it enshrines the tablets of countless strong men, as well as the cards of many masters in the jade cultivator.

Seeing this subordinate was so panicked.

Emperor Xie Langzhou suddenly felt something bad!

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