One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2513: All incense and emperor soldiers show off


"They got illusion!"

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou looked horrified, and he didn't expect that Su Lang's illusion technique would be so powerful.

He even understood.

If he hadn't possessed a strong enough defensive equipment, he would have been recruited just like the other five!

at this time.

Seeing that five of his subordinates had been hit by Su Lang's illusion, they rushed directly to the head.

Emperor Xiuyu Zhou suddenly became anxious.

"No, I can't lose them!"

"Otherwise, I will completely lose the possibility of a comeback!"

This thought flashed through Xiu Yu's mind, and then he stopped, turned around, and launched a powerful attack on the five subordinates!

This is trying to awaken the five subordinates who have sunk into the illusion with pain!


"Want to wake them up?"

Su Lang raised his eyebrows and smiled faintly at the corners of his mouth.

The eight black jade chains of the heart-piercing lock entwined on the Boundless ship fluttered out.

Just like hideous tentacles, kill Xiang Xiuyu's five eternal powers in the seven universes!


Emperor Xiu Yuzhou was relatively close to his five subordinates.


Its attack fell on five people almost instantly.

The intense pain hit the soul.


Among the five, only two of the seven eternal powers with higher cultivation bases, better methods, and better defensive treasures faintly felt a flash of strangeness from the psychedelic of the mirror flower water moon, and they were shocked half asleep. .

There are three others who are not moved at all!

"not good!"

"We have been illusioned!!"

The two masters noticed that the expressions of the seven cosmic powers changed drastically, struggling, and all kinds of self-harming secret techniques broke out on their bodies!

With the help of a temporary burst of powerful force.

The two finally escaped from the psychedelic illusion of Jinghuashuiyue and saw everything in front of them clearly.

However, I saw myself and the other three people flying towards the super giant humanoid cosmic soldier.


Eight roads carrying the murderous black jade chains have destroyed the barriers formed by the formation, and they are close at hand!

"Do not!!"

The two awakened eternal powers of the Seven Universes were terrified, and their souls were violent, and they desperately avoided in an instant!

With all the means of their lives and the price of terror, they escaped from under the black jade chains at the very moment of their death.

But the other three eternal powers of the Seven Universes did not dodge and slammed directly into the black jade chain.

Puff! !

The sound of the spear being inserted into the flesh came one after another.

The body and soul of the three eternal powers of the seven universes were penetrated in this way.

The black jade chain clung to it like a vine, and in a blink of an eye it became a black zongzi.

In the process.

Relying on the profound realm and powerful strength, the three finally felt the strangeness and woke up!

Immediately after.

The three of them saw an extremely desperate scene!

He has been imprisoned by the black jade chain, the strength in his body is inexhaustible, and he cannot break free.

"Do not!"

"I don't want to die!"

"Longyu Zhouxinjian, explode to me!"

One of the Seven Eternal Powers was terrified and desperate, trying to blew the eternal emperor soldier to rescue himself!

at the same time.

The other two.

No, the other four people, including the two Seven Eternal Powers who were awakened by Emperor Xiuyu Zhou, have the same idea!

A total of five eternal emperor soldiers of the five spheres were sacrificed, and more than a dozen eternal emperor soldiers of lower level emerged.

The palpitating feeling filled the world in an instant!

It was a sense of destruction, as if the universe would be reduced to ashes!


"Want to explode the eternal emperor soldier?"

A sneer flashed in Su Lang's eyes.

Behind the Boundless, like the Seven Treasure Trees that opened the world, bursts of colorful rays of light.

The world is gorgeous.

More than a dozen eternal emperor soldiers were shrouded in it, and they were gradually out of the control of the eternal power of the seven universes!

Among them, those eternal emperor soldiers with lower levels directly turned into streamers, and were taken away by colorful rays of light.

The remaining five five eternal emperor soldiers.

Although not completely out of control.

But it is absolutely impossible to continue to explode.

Moreover, these five eternal emperor soldiers could not be used, and they were constrained in place by the Seven Treasure Tree, unable to do anything.

"My eternal emperor soldier can't destroy himself!"

"What are these colorful rays of light, I will be stripped of my clothes!"

"It's over, the eternal emperor soldier cannot explode, close to our own strength, there is no hope of getting out of trouble!"

"It's dead, it's dead this time!!"

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