One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2502: Hands, Jing Zhi sneak attack

"Not bad!"

"His Royal Highness Xiuyu must be right!"

"Su Lang's unreasonable magical powers must be impossible to use multiple times!"

"Well, he escaped from Xuanyi Zhou Palace before, and it took half a year before he dared to show up. If you want to come, it will take at least half a year to use it!"

"Su Lang must not be able to escape this time! Let him be arrogant, let him suffer now, hahahaha!"


The subordinates of Emperor Xiuyuzhou also immediately let out excited comments.

And such words fell in the ears of His Royal Highness Xiuning, and it suddenly made her feel worried.

The speculation of Emperor Xiu Yuzhou is probably true!

After all, Su Lang's escape method is too weird, too abnormal!

If it can be used continuously in a short time.

She didn't believe it very much.


The excitement of Emperor Xiuyu Zhou only rose for a moment.

Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou was worried for a moment.

Su Lang's voice came again.


"Hurry up after you have said."

"What are you doing?"

This time, Su Lang's voice came from His Highness Xiuning and others.

The sound came out.

The audience was shocked again!

"Su Lang!"

"You escaped again!?"

"This, this, this is incredible!"

"God, I've lived so long, and it's the first time I have seen such an unimaginable thing!"


His Royal Highness Xiuning and the others turned their heads to look at Su Lang who was close at hand, all stunned!


The excitement of Emperor Xiu Yuzhou and others has solidified on their faces, and no one can laugh anymore!

Such a terrifying escape method can be used twice in a row in just a few breaths! ?

This is too unreasonable!


"Do it, kill Su Lang for me!"

"I don't want to survive, I want his body!!"

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou's eyes are blood-red, his face is full of collapse, and his face is full of yelling, his whole body suddenly blooms, and he is pressing towards Su Lang overwhelmingly!


"Kill, kill, kill Su Lang!"

"You can't catch this asshole, kill him quickly!"


The subordinates of Emperor Xiuyu Zhou also rushed over in a swarm.

"Protect Su Lang!"

"Let's go, go!"

When Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou saw Xiu Yu and the others fiercely coming, he looked startled and immediately launched defensive measures. And wrapped Su Lang back!

Elders Xie, Yu, Zhong and others also immediately began to cover their magical powers.

But among the five elders.

Elder Jing Zhi held a four-time eternal emperor's dagger, and suddenly launched a terrifying attack, killing His Highness Xiuning!

This sudden change caused everyone in the Xiuning faction to tremble, and an incredible and endless grief rose in their hearts!

Elder Jing Zhi turned out to betray everyone! !

His Royal Highness Xiu Ning is defending against the attack of Emperor Xiuyu Zhou.

Once you are attacked by the unexpected sneak attack from behind, you will lose all your fighting ability if you don't die!

And in this level of terror war, after losing the ability to fight, is it still far from death?


The other four seven celestial elders, like Xiuning, have also issued external defensive powers.

For the traitor Jingzhi, there is no trace of defense at all!

At this moment.

It was too late for them to help His Highness Xiuning.

You can only watch Jing Zhi's dagger slay towards Emperor Xiu Ning!

But at this moment!

A small buckler appeared out of thin air in front of the eternal emperor's dagger, as if it had always been there!

And this small buckler was just raised by Su Lang to the eternal pinnacle of the five universes, and it was only a trace of the eight-sided celestial shield from the eternal state of the six universes!

The characteristic of the eight-sided shield is that it can definitely catch the enemy's attack!


Su Lang released it, and it instantly caught Jing Zhi's attack!

"How can it be!"

Jing Zhi looked at the Buckler, his heart was terrified, but he couldn't change his move!


The Four Eternal Daggers pierced the eight-sided shield of the sky and made an extremely harsh sound.

The aftermath of the terrifying battle swept away, shocking Su Lang's clone!

Tianjia's eight-sided shield was also knocked into the air because it did not have enough cosmic power to support it!


Jing Zhi's sneak attack also completely failed! !

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