One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2500: Your Royal Highness Xiuning, go away

"Dare to do it!"

"Then, today you will all be buried here!"

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou flashed a dangerous light, and he had already planned to use Elder Jing Zhi's trump card.

Once the elder Jingzhi stabs his back, Xiuning's side is likely to fall to the Seven Eternal Eternity.

By the time.

Emperor Xiu Ning and himself only had four seven eternals left.

In the face of Emperor Xiuyu's eternal fighting power, even if he could escape, he would have to pay a huge price!

But at the moment when both parties are about to do it.

"Stop it!"

"Don't do it!"

"His Royal Highness Xiuning, you go quickly."

Su Lang's voice spread to everyone's ears.

Hear this.

His Royal Highness Xiuning and the others suddenly changed their expressions, and their eyes revealed surprise and hesitation.

In their eyes.

Su Lang has fallen into a desperate situation.

People who fall into this situation almost always catch it at the sight of a straw.

But Su Lang's move was actually rejecting the rescue of the Xiuning faction.

"Su Lang..."

"In order not to put us in a dangerous situation, he actually has to face the **** Xiuyu himself!"

His Royal Highness Xiuning looked at Su Lang, and thoughts arose in his heart.

The others think so too.

from their perspective.

Su Lang is full of good qualities of self-sacrifice!


"Su Lang, you are ready, we will definitely be able to rescue you!"

His Royal Highness Xiuning took a deep breath and shook his head heavily.

See here.

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou and the others sneered.


"When you met for the first time, you were so considerate of each other. It seems that you have been with each other for a long time!"

"Hehe, don't worry, I will let you die together."

"At that time you will be able to be each other's company, and you will not be alone when you die!"

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou's face was full of sarcasm, but the killing intent contained in it was even more intense.

Even he has taken out a Five Eternal Emperor Sword that has been passed down for countless years!

The battle is about to start!

At this time.

"His Royal Highness Xiuning."

"You guys really hurry up."

"I'm here to play with these puppies like Xiuyu."

"When I play enough, I will leave."

Su Lang's voice came again, "You go back to your own territory first, and I will come to you by myself."

This statement came out.

Directly shocked Xiu Ning and others!

"What and what!?"

"Are you playing here to repair the Yuzhou Emperor?"

"How is this possible, you are only in the Four Eternal Realm!"

"Don't be kidding, take a look at your side, those Seven Eternal Realms are about to start capturing magical powers!!"


One by one, horrified thoughts appeared in the hearts of His Royal Highness Xiuning and others, causing them to feel very absurd.

They raced against time to come here to rescue Su Lang.

Su Lang said that he was playing the jade repair faction, and that the jade repair faction was a dog being walked!

This is too fantastic!


Emperor Xiu Yuzhou and the others looked furious, and the shame in their hearts grew stronger!

If it weren't for Su Lang's "inheritance", they would all want to kill Su Lang completely!

"Do it!!"

"Catch Su Lang's **** first!"

The emperor Xiu Yuzhou was so angry that his eyes were splitting, his expression was grim, and he directly gave hands-on orders.


The six Seven Eternals under him had already approached Su Lang's vicinity and had already entered the attack range.

It was only because of Su Lang's repeated astonishing remarks that he was shocked and didn't act immediately.

Get the order at this time.

The six great and seven eternal expressions suddenly turned, and they acted instantly.

"The big sun covers the palm of the sky!"

"Tie Yu Qiansi finger!"



Various capture magical powers slammed down Su Lang, and immediately caught Su Lang!

Immediately after.

The twelve six-plane eternal realms also activated their magical powers one after another, and added a thick blockade to Su Lang!


Everyone felt that Su Lang had been completely captured.

Especially those of the Seven Eternal Realms, already felt the feeling of grasping Su Lang.

"Su Lang!!!"

"Do it, rescue Su Lang!"

Seeing this scene, Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou immediately issued a loud order to start a battle with the top masters in the Doudu universe! !

Elders Xie, Yu, Zhong and others had already made preparations for battle, and they were given orders at this time.

I'm going to do it in an instant.

But suddenly!

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