One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2497: The a little excited Emperor Xiuyu Zhou


The system prompt sounded again!

"Ding! Consumes 1 million universe origins, unlocks the one-key refining function to level 19, and can refining the Four Eternal Eternity and its lower-level weapons!"

"Ding! Consume 1 million cosmic origins, unlock the one-key alchemy function to level 19, you can refine the eternal eternity of the four universes and its lower levels!"

"Ding! Consume 1 million cosmic origins, unlock the one-click array function to level 19, and refine the four-plane eternal and lower-level arrays!"

"Ding! Consumes 1 million cosmic origins, unlocks the one-key synthesis function to level 19, and can use the same three-four-time eternal or lower level materials and medicines for synthesis! The synthesis ratio is 10:1!"

"Ding! Consumes 100,000 cosmic origins, the one-key empowerment function breaks through the limit and is upgraded to level 28, the current empowerment efficiency is 100%, and the number of empowerments per day is 560!"

The system prompts it to stop now.

Nine functions have been improved, consuming 8.1 million cosmic origins!

Only the clone function requires 10 million cosmic origins and cannot be upgraded temporarily.


The origin of the universe from Emperor Xiuyu Zhou has been consumed, and Su Lang himself posted a hundred thousand.

The current balance is 550,000 cosmic origin.


"Almost all functions require 10 million cosmic origins to upgrade."

"Ten million, it is estimated that the entire Doudu universe does not have a few ten million origins."

"Fortunately, the current system functions are sufficient for a long period of time in the future!"


Su Lang thought, and immediately glanced at the situation in Doudu universe.

He upgraded the system just in one thought.

Therefore, it didn't take long in Doudu universe.

Emperor Xiuyu Zhou just arrived at the Chaotic Star Plain with excitement.

Suspended in the sky.

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou looked down at the vast plain of chaotic stars with sneers on his face.

This way.

Su Lang let the clone show up a few more times.

Therefore, the traces of Su Lang continued to pass to Emperor Xiuyu Zhou.

Current intelligence shows that Su Lang is still in the Chaotic Star Plain.

Emperor Xiuyu Zhou's tracking method gave the same result.

And this vast plain of chaotic stars.

The subordinates who had been first arrived by Emperor Xiuyu Zhou used the Eternal Array to block time and space!


In the eyes of Emperor Xiuyu Zhou, Su Lang was already a turtle in the urn, and he had fish!

"The people will listen to the order, push the Chaotic Star Plain, and round up Su Lang!"

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou took a deep breath and gave orders to his subordinates.

But he himself sits at the center, leads the overall situation, and is always aware of all movements.

He didn't want Su Lang to escape from his hands a second time.

It was also when Xiuyu's party rounded up Su Lang's clone.

Outside the Chaotic Star Plain, in a remote rift valley.

A powerful figure is advancing fast, and the leader is His Highness Xiuning!

Behind her are the five eternal elders of the seven universes.

Elder Jing Zhi was among them.

But as the most senior undercover agent, he must exert the greatest value, so he cannot be easily exposed.

Under normal circumstances.

He really is like the other elders of the Xiu Ning faction, spare no effort in handling affairs, and the people of the Xiuyu faction are not merciless!

But when he turned back.

It was a deadly stinger that would stab the Xiuning faction fiercely from behind, killing him in one blow!

Everyone moved forward quickly.

Soon he entered the space-time blockade of the jade repair faction.

This also means.

They have been discovered by people from the jade repair group.

After all, the function of that eternal array is not only a single space-time blockade, but also detection.


"Xiu Ning, are you here?"

"Unfortunately, it is too late for you to save Su Lang!"

"Even, after I catch Su Lang, I will be able to solve you as well!!"


Emperor Xiu Yuzhou looked at the feedback from the formation, his eyes squinted, and he was very excited.

And his main attention has always been in a deep valley ahead.

Su Lang is hiding inside!

Around, a powerful Seven Universes eternally launched various blockade methods, gradually approaching the deep valley!

In the deep valley.

"Are you here?"

Su Lang used perfect leaning, his consciousness attached to this clone, and a touch of play was outlined at the corner of his mouth.

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