"Youtian sword of this level."

"In addition to the ability to swallow the clone, I can already kill the eternal powers of the ordinary five universes."

"Like Pei Yuxiao and others, if you encounter it again, you will definitely cut it under the sword!"

A cold light flashed in Su Lang's eyes, and immediately inserted the Youtian Sword back into his hair bun, and took out the Heavenly Eight-Edged Shield and the Sword of Life.

Use the same method.

The Heavenly Eight-Edged Shield and the Sword of Life were quickly evolved into the Four Eternal Realm, plus three enhancements.

Even if there are only three enhancements.

It also allowed these two weapons to reach the advanced level of the eternal emperor of the five universes.

The ordinary eternal emperor soldiers of the five universes are simply incomparable!

"We are almost there!"

"Next, is the cultivation method."

Su Lang looked towards the mysterious black space, and the martial arts villain was making a frantic effort to practice "Soul Development of Soul and Heart".

After the last few battles, plus the time Su Lang spent practicing, it actually didn't last long.

Therefore, the practice of "Yanhun Guanxin Jue" has not been completed yet.

Su Lang turned his attention to the recently harvested exercises.

Although it has the system function of ‘the top of the exercise technique’, it can raise the level of the low-level exercise technique to the eternal state.

But there are also strong and weak points in the same level.

Most of the low-level exercises have a low intention and a small structure, and after being promoted to the eternal state, they will be worse than the ordinary eternal exercises.

Only special intention exercises like "One Thought Conferring Heaven" can continue to surpass the ordinary eternal exercises.

and so.

Su Lang still prefers the exercises of the eternal realm.


He found a method specifically to cover up his breath from the exercises he recently harvested.

This exercise is called "Zhou Cage Sha".

It is a good method for restraining interest in the eternal realm.

"Afterwards, practice this "Cage Cage"."

Su Lang flipped through the exercises, then threw it into the storage space.

Immediately after.

He activated the clone replacement function and went to the next natural universe where the hunt was completed to arrange the spirit gathering formation method to absorb the energy of the universe.

at the same time.

In the empty green universe.

Emperor Wu Zhou of Ming Dynasty is still communicating with Emperor Wu Jingzhou.

The eternal emperor's exchanges are not long for hundreds of years, let alone this time.

Just as the two exchanged.

Suddenly received a message.

It turned out that it was another eternal emperor of the sky-blue universe who sent the invitation, saying that he had not gathered for a long time and invited many people to gather together.

This kind of gathering is actually very common.

Emperor Ming Wu Zhou also often participated before.

However, where there are gatherings, some people like to compare.

Because of this, Emperor Wu Zhou had some suspicions with another Emperor Zhou.

But he is a member of Emperor Minghua Zhou, and he is in charge of the overall situation in this empty blue universe, and he is not afraid at all.

In addition, the beauty Wu Jingzhou emperor accompanies him.

Emperor Ming Wu Zhou wanted to show performance, so naturally he would not refuse.

the next day.

The party started.

In the sky blue universe, the eternal powerhouses from the Doudu universe gathered together.

The atmosphere was good at first.

But soon there was a change.

Emperor Wu Zhou and Emperor Zhou, who had some suspicions, had a conflict because of Emperor Wu Jingzhou. The establishment of large formations and arenas was a level.


The place where everyone was, was sealed off with a reasonable formation.

They will not know what is happening outside.

all of these.

Naturally, it came from the hand of the jade repair school.

It was also when Emperor Ming Wu Zhou and others were competing in the big formation.

A mysterious Emperor Zhou who was covered in black robes quietly descended into the empty blue universe.

This person is under the command of Emperor Xiuyuzhou, a six-plane eternity who is very good at hiding and disguising, Emperor Xielangzhou!

Not bad.

Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou really sent the Six Eternal Power to kill Su Lang.

Evil Langzhou Emperor didn't stay in the sky blue universe much. After he arrived, he immediately went to the springboard universe and rushed to the Genluo universe.

Due to the time flow rate.

Su Lang had just replaced his clone and arrived in the new natural universe soon.

Emperor Xie Langzhou descended into the Genluo universe.

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