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Chapter 2472: Is he serious about forming an alliance?

"Master Minghua!"

"That Su Lang, he is a more powerful Four Eternal Eternity, does he really have such a heavy weight?"

"Ming Wu is puzzled, but I also ask Master Zuo to solve his doubts!"

Ming Wu finally took a breath in his heart, unable to make up? This is too much!

Although he was afraid of the angry Emperor Minghua Zhou, he still couldn't help but asked.

"This matter..."

"It's better not to know for now."

"You just need to know, don't make Su Lang unhappy, and try to make a good relationship!"

Emperor Minghua thought about it and felt that Su Lang's matter was too important, so he didn't plan to tell Mingwu.

But in Mingwu's eyes, it made him clenched his fists and his knuckles turned white!

He is now extremely jealous of Su Lang.

The attitude of Emperor Minghua Zhou made him very wronged, and he became more confused and confused!

Although it shows that there is some truth to what Hua said, Su Lang may indeed have some bargaining chips and some confidence.

But it would be too exaggerated to say that it can form an alliance with Doudu Universe Xiuning faction!

Doudu Universe, but the high-level universe that rules this vast universe!

Su Lang, an eternal warrior in the lower universe, has a bargaining chip, and can weigh more! ?

The more Emperor Ming Wu Zhou thought, the more angry he always felt that Emperor Wu Zhou was too partial to Su Lang.

But he did not show it.

"I understand."

"Master, rest assured, I will have a good relationship with Su Lang."

Emperor Ming Wu Zhou tried to calm his emotions, and then sent a message to Emperor Ming Hua Zhou.

Although he felt that Emperor Minghua highly valued Su Lang, he was even willing to form an alliance with Su Lang.

But the Xiuning faction is not Minghua in charge.

Even, most of the time, it wasn't His Highness Xiu Ning's decision.

It is the judgment of multiple powerhouses together.

Emperor Ming Wu Zhou was sure that most people in this alliance event must have the same ideas as themselves.

When the time comes, as soon as there are more opponents, there will be no alliances.

As long as there is no alliance, then Su Lang is a disaster and must be eradicated!

"Su Lang!"

"I will never believe that you can be as big as an alliance with Xiuning faction if you are a mere four universe!"

"The vast majority of people in Xiuning's faction will never believe it!"

"If you don't pass the alliance, then you can wait to die!"

Emperor Ming Wu Zhou murmured bitterly.

Immediately, he thought of Emperor Minghua Zhou to let him have a good relationship with Su Lang, and he was suddenly bored again, and he couldn't help but cover his heart.

The other side.

Fight in the universe.

Emperor Minghua Zhou's eyes were bright, revealing a hint of excitement, and he came to the summit of Luanzhi, the Purple Jade Palace.

"Subordinate Minghua, please see His Highness Xiuning!"

Emperor Zhou of Minghua stopped outside the Ziyu Tiangong and clasped his fists to the guards.

"Senior Minghua, please come in!"

The guard had already been ordered to get out of the way.

"Thank you!"

Emperor Minghua nodded, and Xuan even entered the Purple Jade Palace and saw Emperor Xiu Ning.

Thousands of years passed.

There is no change here.

Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou still wears a lavender frosty long dress and a snow-colored veil, refining the origin of the universe in the continuously rotating three-color vortex of gold, red and white.

"Subordinate Minghua, meet your Highness Xiuning!"

When Emperor Minghua saw Xiuning, he immediately saluted, the excitement on his face could not be concealed.

"What's the good news?"

Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou's expression remained unchanged, and he asked directly without opening his eyes.

"Return to Your Highness."

"It's about Su Lang!"

"The subordinates have been inquiring for thousands of years, and it is almost certain that Su Lang was born in our Doudu universe."

Emperor Minghua said quickly, "In addition, just now, he refused our solicitation, but he proposed to form an alliance with our Xiuning faction!"

This statement came out.


Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou opened his eyes in surprise, "Is he serious!?"

Because he knew that Su Lang might have inherited the inheritance of that great power.

So her thoughts are the same as Minghua.

It is even more certain that Su Lang has such a major bargaining chip as the inheritance mantle of fighting repair level,

"My younger generation, Mingwu, because this matter is quite inconsistent with Su Lang, I think it is a shameful shame, and propose to obliterate Su Lang."

"It can be seen from this that Su Lang must be serious, otherwise Mingwu could not be so angry."

"However, the boy Mingwu doesn't know anything, I have already reprimanded him."

Emperor Minghua said with a smile.

"If Su Lang really holds the inheritance of the ancestor's level."

"Although he does not have an army and his strength is temporarily weak, he is also qualified to form an alliance with us."

"After Su Lang forms an alliance with us, if he grows up, he will surely help me dominate the city."

"Even, I can exchange some inheritance secrets with him and try to break through to a higher level!"

Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou's beautiful eyes lit up, and his cold face, which had remained unchanged for thousands of years, finally revealed a smile.

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