One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2462: You continue to request support


When they saw the scene in front of them clearly, they instantly thundered and stiffened!

Because there are four eternal realms in front of them! !

Moreover, the eternal guardian warrior on his side was also standing by those people, without any intention of resisting, it seemed like a follower.

"what happened!"

"Didn't it mean that the enemy is only stronger than us!"

"How can there be four Four Eternal Realms here!"

"Our people, it seems to be controlled, this is a trap!"

"Run, we fell into a trap!"


Stormy waves rose in the hearts of the three second universe eternal realms, and immediately began to flee.


A mere two-time eternal realm.

How to escape in front of the Four Eternal Realm?

What's more, the eternal warrior of the four universes is still Su Lang's clone, controlling all kinds of incredible methods!

"Read the seal space!"

"Mingguang Wanjie!"

Su Langxing gathers the clouds and separates his mind and body, and each pulls a second cosmic eternity into the Nianfeng space.

Then the bright and warm light shed and began to assimilate those warriors.

Even those eternal warriors of the Second Universe knew that these comfortable lights were actually terrifying killer moves.

But knowing is one thing, and being able to resist is another.


Like the people before them, they couldn't resist at all.

A few breaths.

These later three two cosmic eternal realms.

Also reduced to Su Lang Mingguang's slave under the Ten Thousand Realms!


The same goes for Ling Yu Wanjie Pavilion.

The supported warrior fell into the Mingguang Ten Thousand Realms!

"Continue to ask for help!"

"That said, the enemy also has reinforcements, and there are a few more Second Universe Eternal Realms. Let us send four more Second Universe Eternal Martial Artists!"

"Also, if you have already figured out the identity of the enemy, you can watch it yourself."

Su Lang looked at the eternal warriors who had been assimilated by the Mingguang Ten Thousand Realms, smiled and gave orders again.


Among the eternal warriors of the two universes, one person took the order, and then used the cross-universe communication device to send out the request for help.

This news passed through the professional intelligence organization of the Black Ice Tower and quickly reached the hands of the Three Eternal Realm.


"The enemy has reinforcements again?"

"Oh, it turned out to be that little Universe Domain. At that time, my Black Ice Tower looted a few universes, and even killed it with a grudge?"

"Hehe, really a group of beam jumping clowns, with this strength, they dare to do something against my Black Ice Tower!"


There was a thick sneer on the face of the Three Eternal Warriors in the Black Ice Tower, and then four Eternal Warriors of the Second Universe were immediately dispatched to support the past!

The same goes for Ling Yu Wanjie Pavilion.

Although I feel a bit suspicious.

But the subordinates have already ascertained the identity of the enemy, so there is no need to be suspicious, just do it.


Hei Binglou and Lingyu Wanjie Pavilion both sent a second wave of support and arrived in their respective universes that "need support".

In addition.

This matter still didn't get to Emperor Anjue and Emperor Yanyan.

So these two guys still don't know anything about it.

Even if he knew it, he would only be suspicious.

at this time.

The two forces "need support" in the natural universe.

The second wave of support arrived separately.

Then, like the warriors in the first wave of support, when they saw Su Langxing Cuanyun He cloned, they were instantly stunned!

Immediately after.

Do not wait for them to escape.

Su Lang's Xing Cuan Yun He Cun's old trick was repeated, Nian Feng Space added light to the Myriad Realms, and it was so reliant, accept them all!

"Come and come."

"Everyone, think about the coordinates of the natural universe that you know."

"Attention, don't be too deliberate!"

Looking at the more eternal warriors of the Second Universe in front of him, Su Lang laughed, unfolded his heart, and began to detect people's hearts.


Su Lang once again obtained some natural cosmic coordinates of the Black Ice Tower and Lingyu Wanjie Pavilion.

"Now you continue to ask for support!"

"It's said that the opponent has the Three Eternal Realm as the trump card, so quickly send more eternal warriors to support!"

After obtaining the coordinates, Su Lang once again let the surviving warriors in front of him deceive more eternal warriors!


The previous eternal warrior of the Three Realms of the Black Ice Tower quickly got news.


"The other party actually has the Three Eternal Realm."

"Hehe, it's no wonder that I dared to stroke my tiger's whiskers in the Black Ice Building."

"Unfortunately, there are more than 20 Black Ice Buildings in the Three Eternal Realm!"

"Three universes are eternal, if you can catch this person alive, you might be able to gain a lot!"


The Eternal Martial Artist of the Three Realms of the Black Ice Tower was surprised and stunned, and immediately sneered again.

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