what! ?

Emperor Minghua Zhou is soliciting Su Lang! ?

Shouldn't he reconcile the conflicts between himself and others, and then go after Su Lang! ?

After all, Su Lang is a weird and powerful person from an unfamiliar universe!


If Su Lang really agreed.

Wouldn't it be a matter of a word to look back to clean up them! ?

No, no!

Never let Emperor Minghua Zhou solicit Su Lang!

"Senior Minghua!"

"This, this must not be!"

"Then Su Lang is so weird, we should get rid of it and hurry up!"


Pei Yuxiao was so suffocated that he was about to vomit blood, and couldn't help it anymore and said anxiously.

"Are you teaching me to do things?"

Emperor Minghua looked at Pei Yuxiao coldly, squinted his eyes, and instantly slapped Pei Yuxiao's face.


Pei Yuxiao's head was directly deformed, blood spurted out of his mouth, and a dozen teeth were mixed!

However, Emperor Minghua's power was controlled perfectly.

Not only did he not pump Pei Yuxiao to death, or even fly him away, but instead turned it around several times.


"I dared to beat people in my empty blue universe before."

"Now I dare to intervene in my decision!"

Emperor Minghua's expression was cold and cold, as if he was about to freeze the surrounding universe.

"Senior forgive me!"

"Senior forgive me, the junior knows the mistake, the junior knows the mistake!"

Pei Yuxiao's head was still buzzing, but he knelt down instinctively.

"I will spare your life again."

Emperor Minghua had a bitter killing intent in his eyes, "One more time, you are really going to die!"


"Junior will never dare anymore!"

Pei Yuxiao kept kowtow apologizing, and looked miserable like a beggar.

Emperor Anjue Zhou and Emperor Yanyan also wanted to speak.

But with Pei Yuxiao’s lesson, he was so frightened that his legs became soft and he was urinating. How dare to speak?

Not to mention.

Originally, Kongqing Universe was just an exchange and trading platform for the eternal emperor.

Now Emperor Minghua led a team to investigate here, only to resolve the contradiction between the buyer and the seller.

For the rest of the matter, what Emperor Minghua Zhou made had nothing to do with them.

"It's over!"

"This kid Su Lang will definitely agree!"

"Should I run away now? If I don't run, I will probably die!"

"But Minghua is here, so I dare not leave easily, otherwise he will be offended and he will die faster!"

"You must find a way to get out, and then quickly find a secret natural universe that no eternal emperor knows, and wait for tens of billions of years!"


Pei Yuxiao's face was as gray as death, and Emperor Anju Zhou and Emperor Yanyan stayed in the corner and did not dare to move. They were terrified.

at the same time.

Emperor Mingwu Zhou looked at Emperor Minghua Zhou, and his heart became even more sad.

The high-level universe is the dream destination of many eternal emperors in the large cosmic region nearby.

In the upper universe, the flow of time is fast, and the energy concentration of the universe is very high.

The key can also be condescending, hunting a large number of lower-level grassroots, and even the middle-level natural universe!

This is the main source of abundant resources!

So in Mingwu's opinion.

Su Lang will definitely agree.

After Su Lang entered Doudu Universe.

Not to mention that he didn't know anything about the so-called genius of Emperor Wu Zhou.

He will always live in the shadow of Su Lang until he gets used to it.

The other side.


"This Six Universe Eternity actually recruited me?"

"The high-level universe's fighting capital, with faster time flow, stronger cosmic energy, and easier access to cultivation resources such as the origin of the universe."

"It's really tempting!"

Su Lang listened to Emperor Minghua Zhou's words through the treasure hunt flying flying, and a slight smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

The temptation is great.

But he would not agree, at least not now.

Minghua Emperor Zhou looked on his face, he was full of goodwill and sincerity.

But Su Lang knew.

Emperor Minghua also really wanted to know the secrets in him.

No one wants to know how an eternal emperor soldier can directly advance to one or even two small realms in a super short time!

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