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Chapter 2442: Pei Yuxiao’s angry tilted mouth

"So many elixirs."

"In the future, there will be no shortage of medicinal pills."

"When the empty blue universe is reached, you can also take out a part to exchange for the origin of the universe!"

The corner of Su Lang's mouth raised slightly, and immediately he took out the three classics of the Pill Qi Array and read it again.

Suddenly there are some new gains.

For example, a new four-plane eternal trapped formation can be combined with the previously obtained formations, greatly increasing its power.

In addition, there are two eternal realm pill prescriptions, one for recovery and one for healing.

Finished reading the classics.

Su Lang's eyes finally shifted to those eternal bodies.

A total of fifty-five eternal bodies, fifty-five universes of eternal life!

"So many eternal bodies."

"It is estimated that you can get a full crystal wall world of more than 20,000 gai!"

"Tsk, this time the incense aspiration is about to explode again."

Su Lang rubbed his hands with some excitement, and then began to accept the Eternal Life Universe and the Crystal Wall World.

at the same time.

Springboard in the universe.

"Damn it!"

"Why does this happen!"

"Obviously hunting with great confidence, but now... the whole army is wiped out!"

"Even me, fled in embarrassment!"

"Faced with that Su Lang, a four universe eternal, I can only escape!"

"Shame, this will be the shame that accompanies me throughout my life!"

Pei Yuxiao sat cross-legged somewhere in the void trying to get into concentration, but there were always uncontrollable thoughts of resentment in his mind.

Endless humiliation, endless anger, and pain caused him, who was already severely injured by the sequelae, to spill a bit of blood again.

This tone.

He can't swallow at all!

"This hunting failure is not my fault!"

"It's the seller. The information he gave is false. It's all the seller's fault!"

"Su Lang clearly has so many powerful weapons, and his own strength is stronger. It is not as weak as the seller said!"

"Yes, it is because of that seller that I am where I am now!!"

"Give me miscellaneous pieces of false information, I must make them pay a terrible price!"


Thinking of this, Pei Yuxiao suddenly found an angry inclined mouth, and his murderous intent rushed out like a star about to explode!

next moment.

He resisted the pain and stood up, unfolding the power of the Great Dao of Time and Space, and began to travel to the empty blue universe.

at the same time.

Empty green universe, in an ordinary house.

Emperor Anjue and Emperor Yanyan were sitting at a stone table, still waiting for the official notice from Kongqing Universe.

Only after the buyers have finished hunting and confirmed that they are correct, they can only leave.

"Brother Anjue."

"You said, what will hunting over there look like?"

Emperor Renyan Zhou looked at Emperor Anjue on the opposite side, and asked with a smile.

They were originally hostile to each other, because Su Lang, the enemy, now seems to be enjoying themselves.


"Does this still need to be said!?"

"Those who dare to photograph the coordinates for hunting must be sure."

"I guess, there are definitely five eternal powers participating in the hunt!"

"Su Lang's mischief, if not unexpected, he should have suffered!"

"But he will not die so easily, but will be caught alive!"

"Waiting for him to suffer endless torture, until he reveals all the secrets, will he be freed!"

Emperor An Jue Zhou said with a sneer, a strong resentment in his voice.

"This statement makes sense."

"When the buyer comes back, we'll get in touch."

"Don't ask for anything else, just to torture Su Lang's **** dog bastard."

"Dare to kill my brother, I will let him taste the most painful taste!"

Emperor Yan Yan Zhou nodded, and immediately squeezed his fists, his eyes were red, and a thick anger almost sprayed out.

"Your idea is just what I want!"

"At that time, you and I will have a game to see whose torture method is stronger and can make Su Lang more miserable!"

Emperor Anjue Zhou's eyes brightened, and thick grimness and resentment rose in his pupils.


"Your idea is also wonderful!"


Emperor Renyan Zhou also smiled grimly, full of cruelty and coldness.

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