One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 244: The sixth and seventh system functions!

"You guys!"

"Does it mean that the university is not yours?"

"I tell you, no matter what your background, you must follow the rules in the college!"

"If you have contradictions, you can go to the victory ring to solve them, and if you have big grudges, you can go to the life and death ring to solve them."

"If you dare to violate the rules and have a private fight in the academy, don't blame me for driving you out of the Xuanyuan Martial Arts Academy!"

Instructor An Xin walked into the classroom with a cold face, her petite body exuding a slight sense of majesty.

With her reprimand, the entire classroom was suddenly silent.

Although almost all the guys here are going through the back door, the power behind them is not small.

But they knew that if Anxin instructor really wanted to drive them away, it would definitely not take much effort.

The position of Xuanyuan Wudao Academy is aloof, and the position of academy tutor is also aloof!

Instructor Anxin stepped onto the podium and stared at everyone condescendingly.

After a while, the pink lips opened up.

"Specialty class is a compromise of the university to you, but this does not mean that you can get along without worry."

"Students who fail to achieve their goals within the prescribed period of training will automatically lose their status as students!"

"Next, I will prepare four classes for you, fighting, alchemy, weapon refining, and formation to determine the direction of your further training."

Having said this, the instructor Anxin turned his head to look at Jiang Yudie, "Yudie, you guard them, I will be back at ten o'clock, and all the students who are late will be recorded and expelled from the university."

"Understood, Anxin Mentor!"

Jiang Yudie nodded heavily.

Immediately, Anxin instructor turned straight and left.

Seeing the back of Anxin instructor leaving, all the students breathed out one after another.

Su Lang didn't care too much, and he was lost in thought.

"Determine the direction of further study."

"Just forget about refining the array."

"The only choices I can choose are Zhanmen and Danmen."

"Whether it is through combat or alchemy, I can quickly upgrade the student level and enjoy more generous benefits."

"Warmen trainees can watch various exercises, experience, and get guidance from the strong when they reach advanced levels."

"Pill students who are promoted to advanced levels can watch various pill codes and prescriptions and use academic resources to refine pill medicine."

"At present, my exercises have not been completed yet. Choosing a battle gate can only be regarded as icing on the cake."

"If I choose the Danmen, I can use the resources of the university to refine the pill, replace it with spirit stones, and upgrade the system functions."

"In contrast, the benefits of choosing Danmen are significantly greater."


After determining the direction of further studies, Su Lang fell asleep bored.

The other students also slouched on the table and spoke.

An hour passed in a blink of an eye, during which many students came one after another.

There was no guy who was directly dismissed because of being late.

At this time, Anxin instructor also walked into the classroom with long legs.

Suddenly, all the students sat up, for fear of angering An Xin.

"Now start the first class, practice formation."

Instructor Anxin didn't get muddled, and with a wave of his small hand, a set of pens appeared on the table.

Jiang Yudie took the pen and handed it out, one set per person.

"Do you practice formation?"

Su Lang held the array pen and raised his eyebrows, "My perverted system has a one-key alchemy, I don't know if there will be a formation?"

"Ding! When the host upgrades all the first six functions to level 10, you can activate the one-key formation function!"

The sudden system prompt made Su Lang's eyes bright.

"Noisy, there really is a training function!"

"Good, once this function is activated, won't I be able to refine the magic circle as easily as alchemy?"

"It's... the first six functions? I only have five functions activated now!"

"So what is the sixth function?"

Su Lang pondered, and immediately asked tentatively, "System, is the sixth function a one-key mixer?"

"Ding! The sixth function is the one-key mixer function, which can be activated when the current five functions are all upgraded to level 10!"

"My fork, it really is a one-key mixer!"

"If I activate the One-Key Refining Device and One-Key Refining Array, wouldn't the speed at which I make money double again?"

The pleasant system prompt made Su Lang smile with excitement.

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