One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2433: Kill eight eternal emperors with one sword

Seeing a new face appeared.

In order to know himself and his opponent, Su Lang began to explore the property panel of the opponent's owner.

This look.

What was wrong was immediately discovered.

Pei Yuxiao and Shu Yi actually changed their identities, and they also brought a team with the weakest team!

"Oh, this is trying to lure me into doing it."

"If you can't see through your details, I might actually attack the weakest team."

"Unfortunately, Pei Yuxiao, no matter how good your disguise is, it won't stop me from looking at the attribute panel!"

Su Lang looked at the attribute panels that emerged in front of him, and a sneer gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This time Pei Yuxiao and others called more people to come over.

However, they are generally in the Two Universe Eternal Realm.

It's only Four Universes, which is the same as the ones killed before.

The other party's only killer move was Pei Yuxiao.

As long as you avoid this person, the rest can be killed!

"Tsk tsk."

"Since you have to give the head away, then I'm not welcome."

A smile flashed in Su Lang's eyes, even when he was ready to do it.

The previous battle seemed to be a long time, but in fact, the whole journey took less than tens of seconds.

The state of swallowing the clone has always been there.

Su Lang's combat power has also maintained the peak of the Four Eternal Realm.

"Xing Cuan Yun He!"

With a move in Su Lang's heart, the clone avatar and the twin avatars immediately merged with each other and became two powerful four-planet eternal realms.

Immediately after.

Su Lang distributed the weapons again.


He was just going to deal with some Four Eternal Realms, and he didn't need to bring all the weapons.

Might as well distribute it to clones to strengthen combat power.


The first star Cuanyunhe clone obtained Qibao Miaoshu and Zijin Gourd.

The second star Cuanyunhe clone got Jinghuashuiyue and Chuanxin Lock.

Su Lang himself carried the Youtian Sword and the Heavenly Eight-Round Shield.

Weapons are allocated.

Su Lang dispatched Xingcuanyun He clone to two natural universes.

Immediately sent another clone to the third natural universe, and replaced the position.

After getting ready.

Su Lang began to touch one of the teams.

The two stars Cuanyun joined the avatar and acted together.


Su Lang and the two Xing Cuanyun clones approached the target.

The goal of the three people is to have a four-plane eternal, three three-plane eternal, and four two-plane eternal.

Such a team is simply a lamb to be slaughtered.

next moment.

"Do it!"

Su Lang's killing intent flashed in his eyes, and he took a step forward.

Seeing the activation of Tianzutong, he appeared near the team of the Yuxiao universe with a flash of golden light.


"Then Su Lang started on us!?"

"How is it possible, shouldn't he go and kill the decoy team where the boss Pei Yuxiao is located!?"

"No, we are not his opponent, run away!!"


A total of eight eternal realm powerhouses, after seeing Su Lang, they looked like a rabbit meeting a tiger, terrified, and their pupils trembled.

When they couldn't believe it, they immediately wanted to escape through the barriers of the natural universe.


"Yuanming Unlimited·Time and Space Avenue!"

Su Lang's thoughts moved, and the power of the time and space avenue far surpassing the same level enveloped a radius of a million light years, sealing everyone in place.

"I can't travel through the avenue of time and space. Disperse and escape!"

"Damn, when encountering this Su Lang, our number advantage can't be used at all, we can only be defeated one by one!"

"Quick, run away, one who can run is one!"


The eternal realm of the four universes communicated with divine thoughts, and within a single thought, the decision to escape was made.

But Su Lang came prepared and came to sneak attack, how could he let them run away! ?

"The world is dying, breaking a sword!!"

In an instant, Su Lang poured the power of the universe into the Youtian Sword, fiercely slamming a sword light spanning 100,000 light years!

Stabbed! !

The dark starry sky.

It was like a sword-shaped bright galaxy suddenly appeared, as if embedded in the universe, cutting everything!

All the eternal realm powerhouses shrouded by the broken sword sword light only felt cold all over, the world before them lost its color and was filled with despair!

There is no resistance.

Eight people.

I was pierced by sword light in an instant!

In an instant.

The eight system reminders sounded one after another, becoming the death knell of the eight eternal realms!

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