One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2428: Eat evil and then cut the clone

"Come out!"

With a move of Su Lang's heart, he opened a channel of life to the universe.

"The lower servant knocks on the Lord!"

The bitter evil who turned into a human form appeared and knelt in front of Su Lang.

In Su Lang's Dantian universe, he also enjoyed the benefits of time acceleration, and the sequelae after cutting out the clone had completely disappeared.

of course.

Unable to get the incense aspiration power, he still maintained the previous state.

"This time I cast another incense weapon."

"Although this incense weapon is also eternal, its spirit is extremely weak."

"So, I need you to cut out the clone to the Fusion Spirit."

Su Lang looked at the Evil Eater who bowed to the ground and said lightly.

"Yes, Lord!"

Bit Evil did not hesitate to accept the order simply and neatly.


"Currently your condition is not very good, I will give you some incense power first, take a bite and make up."

Su Lang smiled slightly and pointed at Xie's eyebrows.

Countless incense and wish power were drawn from the virtual spirit universe and poured directly into the body of eating evil.

"The lower servant, thank the Lord for the generous gift!"

Devouring evil received that incredibly turbulent incense aspiration, and was extremely excited.

He could clearly feel that his strength had recovered to a half-step eternal peak in an instant!

"It's worthy of being an innate incense creature born at the beginning of the universe."

"This ability to digest and absorb incense is simply terrifying!"

Su Lang nodded slightly as he watched the Qixie's continuous growth.

Immediately after.

He retracted his finger, took out a crystal, and handed it to Qixie.

This crystal is the special incense wishing power crystal needed for the evolution of Mirror Flower Shuiyue.

Take over the crystallization.

Ji Xie fully understood what he should do, because he had already experienced such things before.

Plug the crystal into the mouth.

In an instant, the analysis of the evil spirits clearly induced the special incense strength of the crystals.

"Control all the enemy's senses..."

The eyes of Qixie were bright, and then he began to mobilize the incense power in his body.

Regarding the control of incense aspiration, eating evil comes from instinct, and it is easy to peel off the incense aspiration.


He stripped a large amount of incense aspiration power from his body.

This will be an important part of cutting out the clone.

Another more important ingredient is the soul that masters the avenue of time!

next moment.

In Su Lang's attention.

"Cut thirteen corpses——!!!"

Biting evil resolutely performed the exercises!

His body immediately split into two, one of which was the deity, and the other was the clone.

"Master! The clone has been cut out!"

After the two devourers stabilized, they immediately bowed and saluted.

"Good job."

Su Lang nodded with a smile, and then directly released the colorful Burning Heavenly Flames, condensed into a big cauldron.

The tripod came out.

Jinghua Shuiyue also appeared soon after.

The blade with a dreamlike light and shadow in the colored glaze instantly attracted the eyes of Qi Xie.

Immediately after.

He stayed there completely, his pupils constantly trembling, as if he was struggling!

at this time.

Su Lang stretched out a hand and held Jing Huashuiyue's knife handle.


Qixie only felt a refreshing feeling washed by, and everything returned to be clear and bright, comfortable and gentle.

"I know it hurts to incorporate your clone into an incense weapon."

"Last time, you endured very hard, but this time it will be much easier."

Su Lang smiled slightly and said to the horrified bitterness in his heart.

"Yes, Lord!"

"Thank you for your understanding!"

Biting Xie's eyes nodded brightly, he knew that Su Lang was going to temporarily change his perception with Jinghua Shuiyue.

"Jinghuashuiyue·A dream becomes empty!"

A light flashed in Su Lang's eyes, and a large amount of cosmic power poured into the knife.


The glazed blade of Jinghua Shuiyue showed a light blue light and shadow that kept flowing.

The next moment.

Su Lang slashed at Evil's body, and the blade passed through directly like nothingness.

But eating evil has completely entered the senses created by Jinghua Shuiyue!

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