One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2422: The flower of killing is about to bloom

But at this moment.

An invisible barrier emerged.

Indeed, Su Lang pulled one of the opponent's Four Eternals into the Nian Feng space.

Nianfeng space can be displayed with one thought, and of course it can be fully deployed before Pei Yuxiao's attack arrives.

The next moment.


Nianfeng Space was torn apart under Pei Yuxiao's attack.

However, Su Lang has already taken advantage of this extremely short time to use his clone to replace and escape!


The replacement clone was killed by Pei Yuxiao!


"This is... some kind of secretive means of death!?"

"In the eternal state where you died just now, there is no life world in the body, and there is nothing left after death!"

"Damn, I didn't expect this Su Lang to have such a method!"


Yu Xiao Zhou Emperor Pei Yuxiao realized that he was not killing Su Lang, and the rest of the people also discovered the clues, and they were shocked in disbelief.

It should be noted that Pei Yuxiao is eternal in the five universes!

Although Su Lang's eternal peak of the four universes seemed to be separated from it by a thin line.

But there is a gap that cannot be bridged between this line!

A Five Eternal Eternity can easily kill the Four Eternal Eternity.


In Su Lang's body, this common sense has failed!

How can this not be shocking?

"Well, as soon as Su Lang fled, the remaining dozens of natural universes are ours, which is not too bad."

"Or contact the members who went to the rest of the universe, what if Su Lang was lucky enough to escape to those natural universes with us?"


After being horrified, under Pei Yuxiao's order, one of them immediately began to use the method and contacted the rest of the team.


The remaining three teams returned to normal.

The natural universe they are in has no eternal realm.

"It looks like they all escaped."

"Now these natural universes are ours."

"Listen to my order, a Four Eternal Eternity leads two Three Eternal Eternities to the coordinates respectively to gather the spoils."

Pei Yuxiao's eyes flashed, and he chose to divide his forces further.

in fact.

He also thought that Su Lang might have eyeliners in various natural universes, and he might shoot back and break them one by one.


In Pei Yuxiao's opinion.

Su Lang would certainly not be able to kill the four-horse eternity that had been divided before he arrived.

And his order of Pei Yuxiao might not be a trick to lead the snake out of the hole.

If Su Lang dared to appear, he would be able to catch it again.

He didn't think that Su Lang could have many alternative means of death, after all, a chance to replace one's death was extremely rare.

But he was wrong again! !

Su Lang's method just now was not a real substitute for death, but just shifting the shape.

The real means of death has not been triggered for a long time!

at this time.

Thirty-six people in the Yuxiao universe, divided into ten teams, went to ten natural universes.

The ten teams are basically a four-plane eternal leading two or three three-plane eternal realms, and Pei Yuxiao is alone.

After appearing in these natural universes.

After some searching, Pei Yuxiao and others were surprised!

Because these natural universes have all been scoured!

In the natural universe, all the more prosperous life planets are gone, leaving only the planets of low value.

"This, what's going on!?"

"According to the information given by the seller, these natural universes have not declined like this at all, and every natural universe has at least half an eternal planet!"

"Could it be that the seller gave the wrong message? No way, unless they are looking for death!"

"Could it be that these universes have been searched by Na Su Lang?"

"But it's even more impossible. How could he have searched so many natural universes in such a short time!?"

"Yes, according to the ratio of the flow rate of time, the time we passed in the empty blue universe, put here, only less than a hundred breaths have passed!"


One by one in the natural universe.

Pei Yuxiao and others were surprised and communicated through cross-universe messaging!

And all this.

They were all seen by Su Lang's treasure hunting flying flying glider!

"Even to divide the troops into ten teams."

"Hehe, I am very confident of my own strength!"

"You four universes are eternal, and you are indeed a little stronger than the Dark Emperor Zhou and others."

"With the information you got before, my strength still stays before."

"Who knows that my weapon has been upgraded, hahahaha!"

In the Taixi universe, Su Lang looked at Pei Yuxiao and others from the shared perspective of the treasure hunting flying flying flying flying, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Immediately after.

He squeezed his right hand lightly.

The Youtian Sword of the top level of the Four Eternal Realm suddenly appeared, the horrible sword energy split the void, and the flower of killing was about to bloom!

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