One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2417: The actions of Anjue and Renyan

"Two seniors!"

"Senior Su Lang you inquired about has not been recorded in Ting Yuxuan!"

"There is no Eternal Realm that matches the fighting style and Eternal Realm weapons of that Senior Su Lang."

"There is no news about the powerful forces behind him."

"Perhaps, this senior Su Lang is a powerful man who fought from a far away universe!"


Accompanied by the report of the half-step eternal warrior.

The brows of Emperor Anjue and Emperor Yanyan frowned slightly!

Listen to Yuxuan.

It is the strongest and most mysterious intelligence organization in the sky blue universe.

But even this listen to Yuxuan, there is no such person for Su Lang.

Under normal circumstances.

Most powerhouses who have reached the Four Eternal Realms have come into contact with many eternal realms.

Unless this strong man kills all the people he sees, otherwise, it is very likely that some superficial information will be exposed.

There is another possibility.

That is the first time this strong man arrived, no one understood.

The ideas of Emperor Anjue and Emperor Yanyan tended to be the latter.

Let go of the origin of the universe.

The two drove away for a long time and exchanged secretly.

"This Su Lang keeps saying that he is a person from the Nine Desolate Universe and that he has an enmity with Genluo Universe, so he will stab him sideways. In my opinion, it is all lies."

"I've seen it a long time ago. That was just an excuse for him to lead the battle. This Su Lang is definitely a bloodthirsty person. He killed him all the way from the Universe Region and directly entered the Nine Desolate Universe Region!"

"If I failed to detect this person's intelligence, I can only find trouble for him. The coordinates of the Genluo universe must be leaked out immediately."

"There is also the Emperor Guangyu Eternal, who forgot to tell him to escape at the time. With that boy's weakness, he would surrender with a high probability. Therefore, the Guangyu Universe and the coordinates of the rest of the universe known to Emperor Guangyu Eternal will also be revealed!

"In this matter, for the sake of safety, we didn't personally participate in it. We almost ran away before."

"You want to participate, but those who buy coordinates are not willing!"

"Okay, go to sell the coordinates and get the blood back!"


After some discussion, the helpless Emperor Anju Zhou and Emperor Yanyan could only choose to sell the coordinates and let others find Su Lang's troubles.


They came to Kongqing Auction House!

This is the official auction house of Kongqing Universe.

People who come here can choose to sell on consignment, bid, or directly sell to the official of the Kongqing Universe, or buy from the official of the Kongqing Universe.

Many treasures needed for the eternal realm can be bought from here.

Among them, the coordinates of the natural universe are the most valuable resource.

of course.

The price of natural universe coordinates is different. The more searched natural universe, the lower the value.

In addition.

There are various restrictions on selling natural universe coordinates.

Because coordinates are a kind of reproducible information, various guarantees must be made when selling to prevent buyers' interests from being harmed.

If something goes wrong, at the request of the buyer, the people of Kongqing Universe will investigate and even punish the seller.

In Kongqing auction house.

An Ju and Yan Yan Zhoudi faithfully submitted the cosmic coordinates and other information.

For example, there are inherent treasures in the Genluo universe, such as this universe has been occupied by Su Lang, and Su Lang's strength.

After registration.

Emperor Anjue and Emperor Yanyan could only stay in the empty blue universe, waiting for the buyer to complete the hunt.

If you really want to leave, you must provide all your natural cosmic coordinates.

If you dare to chaos, you will face the chase of the empty blue universe.

at this time.

Emperor Anjue and Emperor Yanyan registered the coordinates of the natural universe one by one.


These cosmic coordinates have attracted the attention of eternal realm experts!

"The nascent universe containing innate treasures!"

"Although it has been plundered once by a high-level cosmic powerhouse, a small part is left!"

"What, there is a very powerful Four Universe Eternal Realm occupying this universe, and it seems to come from a distant and unfamiliar Universe Realm?"

"This person is so powerful, it is very likely that he will stay in this universe and refining the origin of the universe."

"Look, there are several more information about the universe released, and it is in the same small universe as the natural universe that was born not long ago! It should be the same batch of newborn universes!"

"Tsk tusk, the basic universe is nothing at all, but there are remnants of innate treasures, which is different."

"The key point is that Su Lang is suspected of coming from a distant and unfamiliar universe. If you can follow the vines, the value of it is not comparable to that of several natural universes."

"Give up you, just you, you dare to have greed?"

"Hmph, behind me, there is also the eternal power of the four universes!"


An eternal realm powerhouse exuding a terrifying aura was talking about it, their eyes flickered, and their hearts silently calculated.

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