One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2415: Search twenty natural universes at the same time


In a universe with golden light and shadow flowing in the void.

There is an extremely vast and majestic fluctuation in time and space.

Immediately after.

The avatar that was perfectly bent over by Su Lang appeared.

"This is Guangyu Universe."

"Nine Desolate Universe, one of the nine natural universes."

"It seems that Emperor Guangyu Zhou did not lie, and the coordinates given to me are not traps."

A thoughtful look flashed in Su Lang's eyes and immediately activated the clone dispatch function.


A large number of Baiying avatars appeared around, and then spread in all directions.

It's like a big net.

Envelop the light jade universe and find all the valuables in it!


The clones found some galaxies and star fields.

"It seems that there has been no disturbance."

"It is estimated that Emperor Anjun Zhou and others forced to convince Guangyu, and immediately went to the Genluo universe."

"Hmph, now this universe belongs to me!"

Su Lang clicked the corner of his mouth, and the clones immediately began to collect the planet they found.

But Su Lang was not satisfied with the natural universe of Guangyu.

From the mouth of Emperor Guangyu Zhou, he also got the coordinates of thirteen natural universes.

In addition.

From Emperor Qiongling Zhou's body, six natural cosmic coordinates including Qiongling universe were also obtained.

That adds up to nineteen.

"Count Gen Luo."

"This wave, I got twenty natural universes!"

The corner of Su Lang's mouth raised slightly, and he continued to dispatch the clone.

One Hundred Shadow avatars, there are also two universes eternal realm, in the universe where there is no eternal powerhouse, that is the invincible existence.


More than 10,000 clones are scattered in twenty natural universes.

In every natural universe, there are a total of five hundred avatars of the Two Universe Eternal Realm Hundred Shadows to search around!

In an instant.


The planets were put away by the clones and transmitted to Su Lang's crystal wall world.

Countless creatures also entered Su Lang's body.

The earth-shaking changes caused the countless creatures to have extremely strong emotional fluctuations.

These emotions turned into countless incense and aspirations, absorbed by Su Lang's virtual spirit universe, and poured into the world of void dragon veins.

"[Jinghua Shuiyue] It's further consolidated!"

"If this incense weapon is completed, it will be easier to deal with warriors of the same level!"

Su Lang looked at the imaginary universe, in the picture scroll that covered the sky and the sun, a strange long knife seemed to fall out.

That long knife is exactly [Mirror Flower Water Moon].

Immediately after.

Su Lang's gaze fell into his body again, in the dantian universe.

During this time.

He has maintained a very terrifying flow of time.

So that the power of the universe in the eternal realm around the deity is exhausted!

But the effect is also very obvious.

Chu Xiaobei and other newly recruited half-step eternity, in Su Lang's Dantian universe, has been painstakingly cultivated for tens of millions of years!

Millions of years, hundreds of millions of years of cultivation.

It is the normal state of the eternal realm strong.

Like Su Lang, who uses days or even hours and minutes as the unit of time calculation, there is absolutely no second in the endless universe.

After tens of millions of years of penance.

There are also half-step eternal guidance from old brands such as Golden Crow, Phoenix, and Evil.

Chu Xiaobei and others had already become senior half-step eternal realm, fully able to accept the time path and march towards eternal realm.

"For them to become eternal, they must fill the crystal wall world with the origin of the universe."

Su Lang thought in his heart, and immediately after a thought, he took out the thousand universe origin from the system balance and distributed it to Chu Xiaobei and others in the Dantian universe.

The origin of a thousand universes.

Putting it before is also a big number for him.

But now.

Su Langguang needs a full 100,000 universe origins to improve system functions!

The origin of a thousand universes has long been considered nothing.

at this time.

In the pubic area.

In front of Chu Xiaobei and the others, a faint flow of colorful energy emerged, which is the origin of the universe.

You don't need to think that they know that this is a gift from Su Lang.

With endless gratitude and admiration, the women began to use the origin of the universe to improve themselves, hoping to chase Su Lang's pace.

Yan Hingxing and others respectfully worshipped under the statue of Su Lang, and then continued to practice and attack the realm of eternity.

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