One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2390: An eternal warrior who flees


See the turbulent flow of time and space.

Su Lang felt something was wrong.

"This is the turbulence caused by the power of Time and Space Avenue!"

"It must be done by a strong eternal realm."

"But the eternal realm powerhouse is here to use the power of time and space for no reason what to do?"

"Moreover, the movement is so exaggerated, even the time and space fluctuations that I shuttled over are covered up!"

"Could there be a fight here?"


Su Lang's eyes flashed with a light of surprise, and he did not leave this space-time fluctuation for the time being.

Let's take a look at what happened here!

"Yuanming Unlimited·Time Backward!"

Su Lang pinched the tactics with both hands, and the power of the Time Dao on his body suddenly unfolded.

Immediately after.

I saw the time around me slowly slowing down, then stopped, and finally started to flow backwards!


A strange sight appeared around Su Lang.

Everything is going backwards!

Because the speed is too fast, all the scenes seem to have become countless streamers.


All the streamers disappeared.

There is only a peaceful, lonely void.

"It's this time."

Su Lang nodded slightly, and then used the Avenue of Time to make time flow.


Withered void.

An embarrassed figure appeared not far from Su Lang.

This is an imaginary projection, not a real person!


"If it's not in the eternal state, or if it's too far away from me, it should be a real person who has been pulled back by the long river of time."

"But this person is illusory. It is highly probable that he is an eternal realm that has mastered the Avenue of Time, and has not been affected by my Avenue of Time.

Su Lang looked at the phantom close at hand, speculating in his heart.

I saw that this was an extremely embarrassed woman with a pale face and flustered eyes.

She stayed in this void, trying to use the power of the Great Avenue of Time and Space to shuttle through the barriers of the natural universe and travel to other natural universes.

But it seems that a certain method has been issued to him, unable to shuttle through the barriers of the natural universe.

The woman was unwilling.

Take out a small red shuttle from the universe of life.


The little red shuttle rose in the wind and bloomed directly, forming a bright red flower.

The majestic power of time and space came from the flowers.

At a glance, you know that the flowers are just appearances, in essence, they are a passage of time and space!

The woman really entered that space-time passage.

Soon the flowers withered, leaving only the majestic time and space turbulence around.

But Su Lang can tell.

That female eternal warrior has still not been able to leave this natural universe.

She just sacrificed the red shuttle and crossed an extremely long distance. The goal should be the cosmic crystal wall of this natural universe!

"An eternal martial artist who flees!"

"Being imprisoned by the ability to travel through the barriers of the universe?"

"Hope to be close to the barriers of the universe, and then try to shuttle?"

"The characteristics of space determine that in the natural universe, the barriers of the natural universe are the same everywhere."

"This woman actually did this, obviously it's completely impossible!"


Su Lang thought silently, and immediately transferred some Hundred Shadow clones, and the countless treasure hunt flying flying gliders that had cooled down.

These avatars cooperated with the treasure hunting flying flying gliders and quietly spread towards the distance.

Immediately after.

Su Lang cleaned up the traces left by him around him, and then used the clone replacement function to leave this space-time turbulence.

After leaving.

Put away the clone again. Playback time

"The woman is obviously being hunted down."

"Thinking about it, it's very possible that someone invaded this life universe. She couldn't match it, and was imprisoned again, so she could only flee helplessly."

"The person who chased her is probably playing cat and mouse drama!"

"I just teleported over, and the time and space fluctuations were covered up. If someone hadn't used the time backtracking ability, they would definitely not find me."

"Others are in the dark, I am in the light, just to see what is going on."


Su Lang hides in a void, and all the clones are also hidden, moving forward cautiously.

But the treasure hunting flying flying glider does not need to hide.

Although they are a little strange, there is nothing in the endless universe?

Even if it is seen, it will not be suspicious.

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