One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2352: One-key mixer function breaks the limit

"First upgrade the Youtian Sword and other weapons."

"The evolution of incense weapons will wait until all the harvested crystal wall world and life universe are transferred to my body."

A ray of light flashed in Su Lang's eyes, and he immediately issued instructions to the system, "The system, using the 1000 universe origin, raises the limit of the one-key mixer function!"

"Ding! Consuming 1000 universe origins, the one-key refining function breaks through the limit, unlocks to level 16, and can refine Yizhou Eternal and its lower level weapons!"

The system prompts that the voice has just dropped.

"Start the enhanced reset function!"

Su Lang took the Youtian Sword in his hand and gave instructions.

"Ding! Strengthen the reset successfully!"

Accompanied by the system prompt, the breath of Youtian Sword burst down.

"Start the one-key mixer function!"

Su Lang issued an order again, "Only retain the current characteristics, evolve the Youtian Sword!"

At this moment.

The refining functions, weapon conditions, and upgrade materials are all ready, and the Youtian Sword can naturally evolve.

"Ding! Consumes the soul of the primordial *880000, the origin of the universe *100, the material of the eternal realm...the material of the primordial element...the Youtian sword has evolved into an eternal weapon of the primordial universe!!"

The system prompt sounds.

Countless materials turned into mysterious and powerful energy, which was integrated into the Youtian Sword.

In an instant.

The true realm of Youtian Sword has evolved into an eternity!

An extremely terrifying aura radiated from the Youtian Sword, which was the aura of the power of the universe.

But this is not over yet.


"Start one-key enhanced function!"

Su Lang's heart moved, and he gave instructions again.

"Ding! Strengthened successfully, Youtian Sword +1!"



After the system prompt is over, Youtian Sword has strengthened four times!

Its power has been greatly improved again, and it has the true power of the eternal state of the three universes.

"the host!"

"My strength has become stronger!"

"I have an unprecedented power, so powerful, it seems to be able to annihilate all existence!"

Xiaoyou ran out of her body excitedly, and she hung her arms around Su Lang's neck.

"That is the power of the universe!"

"You have obtained the cohesion and use of the power of the universe, and you are truly eternal!"

Su Lang smiled and rubbed Xiaoyou's hair, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

"Hehe, so happy, so hi~"

Xiaoyou smiled in excitement, her body writhing constantly.

Seeing that she was so happy, Su Lang did not interrupt her, and instead took out the weapons such as the Heavenly Armor and Eight-Edged Shield.

Seeing this scene, the weapon spirits of Tianjia's eight-sided shield and other weapons did not dare to bother.


Su Lang uses the same method.

First strengthen the reset, then evolve, and finally strengthen again.

Immediately, the eight-sided shield of the sky, the mirror of reincarnation, the sword of life, and the nest of civilization all evolved to the eternal realm of one universe.

And these four weapons have all been strengthened three times, and their power has reached the Eternal Realm of the Second Universe!

The spirits of the spirits were excited and cheered, and one after another they thanked Su Lang for the gift.

Su Lang himself was very happy.

In his current eternal realm, he possessed five eternal weapons. If someone saw him, he would be so surprised that his eyes would fall out.

What's more, his five eternal weapons are not ordinary one-plane eternal weapons, the worst are of the second-plane level!

"It's so cool."

"Five eternal weapons, almost make me invincible at the level of the three universes."

"Next, let's start sorting out the rest of the spoils."

Su Lang licked his lips excitedly, and then waved his big hand. Eight life universes and eight eternal bodies appeared in front of him.

Eight life universes.

Nature is the eternal life universe of Emperor Yuanmingzhou and others.

Although it was taken into the body, it was bound to merge some crystal wall worlds.

But Su Lang is not an ordinary eternal realm.

Even if some crystal wall worlds merge into a larger crystal wall universe, cultivation bases can also be used to replace the origin of the universe to fill and improve.

The big deal is to wait a little longer for sufficient cultivation.

This was nothing compared to the eternal life universe.

Except for the eight eternal life universes.

Those eight bodies were the eternal bodies of the eight people including Emperor Yuanmingzhou.

Perhaps it is because the eternal realm itself is equivalent to a complete universe, so it is not divided into body fragments by the perfect plundering function.

And among these eight eternal bodies.

There are almost countless crystal wall worlds!

"let's start!"

Su Lang took a deep breath and began to transfer the eternal life universe!

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