One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2348: Kill you directly, it’s too cheap for you

At this moment.

The clone of Emperor Mingzhou also stopped attacking.

In this way, the Nianfeng space was maintained, not allowing Emperor Yuan Mingzhou to run away.

"Death... is it over?"

"I am the only one left?"

"Impossible, this is impossible, how could it be so fast!!"

"This is not true, you, how could you be so strong, that is the seven eternal!"


Emperor Yuanmingzhou's expression was stiff, his pupils trembled and looked out of the Nianfeng space.

Although the space outside Nianfeng was gray, it did not prevent him from seeing Xuanyuzi and others fall into Su Lang's hands one by one.

He knew it was in Su Lang's hands.

If you and others are separated, you will die.

But still did not expect that death would come so soon!

"Emperor Yuan Mingzhou."

"Now, how do you feel?"

Su Lang waved his hand to make the clone cancel the Nianfeng Space, and looked at Emperor Yuan Mingzhou with a smile on his face.


All the avatars and the twin avatars merged into one, forming two three-planet-class star Cuanyunhe clones!


"Are there two Three Universes again?"

"What the **** is this, how can there be such an outrageous thing under the world!"


When Emperor Yuanmingzhou saw Su Lang's two eternal clones of Sanzhou, Sanguan suffered a terrifying blow once again.

The deity can use the secret technique to reach the eternity of the three universes is very unreasonable, okay.


The avatars can also merge with each other, and they can also become the eternal existence of the three universes.

This is no way to survive!

The Three Views suffered from friction.

Emperor Yuan Mingzhou also had a deep despair in his heart.

Facing Su Lang's eternal clone of the Second Universe, he still couldn't defeat it.

In the face of Su Lang's deity and the two eternal clones of Sanzhou... he already wanted to commit suicide.


In front of Su Lang, it is impossible for him to commit suicide!


"Emperor Yuan Mingzhou?"

"You who hunted multiple natural universes, didn't you expect that your own will end up now?"

Su Lang looked at Emperor Yuan Mingzhou who was extremely horrified and desperate, and a slight smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

"Su Lang..."

"The winner is king. If you win, you must kill as you please."

Emperor Yuanmingzhou felt that he had suffered a great insult, his face was blue and red.

"Of course I want to kill you."

"It just killed you directly, it's too cheap for you."

"I said at the beginning that for the crime you committed against the Infinite Universe, I want you to repay it thousands of times!"

"The price you pay now is not enough!"

The more Su Lang said, his tone became more indifferent and cruel.


"Don't deceive people too much!"

"I am also a strong eternal realm, you can't treat me like that!"

Emperor Yuan Mingzhou heard Su Lang's words, and suddenly hated and feared.

The eternal realm martial artist has almost an endless life span, unless it is beheaded, it is almost immortal.

But if it is tortured.

Will continue to suffer forever!

The almost endless life span will make the torture even more terrifying!


"Now you fall into my hands."

"I can deal with you as I want to deal with you!"

Su Lang smiled coldly, the pupils in his eyes suddenly dispersed, turning into two black vortexes!


Doppelganger is the same action!

In an instant.

The void behind the heads of Su Lang and the two avatars silently tore out two long narrow rifts.

Immediately after.

The six long and narrow cracks suddenly opened, turning into six extremely huge eyes of terror!


It was Su Lang, one of the magical powers that was pushed to the eternal state by the ‘Top of Cultivation Technique’, ‘Reincarnation Immortal Eye’, a magical ability specially used to torture people!

The reincarnation fairy pupil of the eternal realm has already raised countless levels of power.

This exercise is inherently all-encompassing.

At this time, under Su Lang's control, a variety of terrifying torture methods were integrated, specifically targeting the soul and body of the eternal realm!

Even if it is tortured in the eternal state, it will be like ordinary people suffering endless torture, painful and wanting to live, life is better than death!


Now it is Su Lang and the two Xing Cuanyun avatars performing at the same time!

The reincarnation fairy pupil appeared.

The six giant eyes of reincarnation suddenly turned the surrounding tens of thousands of light years into a **** and terrifying illusion.

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