"So shameless!"

"There was a bite of the weak in front, and now I blame it again!"

Emperor Yuanming Zhou's red eyes looked at Emperor Taiyuan Zhou, and his teeth were crushed.

at this time.

"Friend Su Lang!"

"Actually, what Emperor Yuanmingzhou said before is also reasonable. Now you have the power of the three universes only after using the secret technique. I don't know if you have a swollen face to fill a fat man."

"Even if your strength is really that strong, we still have a chance to last until the moment when your secret technique is over, when that happens, you will be finished!"

"We are now taking a step back, reconciling thoroughly and never committing each other, how about!?"

Emperor Feng Lingzhou with a gloomy expression stepped forward.

His venomous snake-like eyes stared at Su Lang, and his dangerous gaze flicked between Su Lang's vitals like a knife.


"It's so funny."

"Look at the way I am walking slowly and leisurely now, as if the secret technique time will end?"

"As long as I want to, I can always maintain my current combat power."

"Finally, I have given you the opportunity. You don't cherish it yourself, and you have to do it to me."

"I want to reconcile now, don't you think it's too late?"

Su Lang smiled faintly, facing the entire eight emperors of the universe, it was calm and calm, without any urgency.


"Friend Su Lang, do you have to fight us to the death?"

"Do you know why our three Yizhou Eternals dared to form an alliance with Xuanyuzi and the four two Eternals, but are not afraid of being killed?"

"Tell you, we have more powerful natural cosmic coordinates in our hands. Once the eternal power inside knows our coordinates, it will definitely kill you!"

A Yizhou eternal look eagerly said, "Daoist Su Lang, if you..."

"Stop it."

"Do you know the coordinates of their natural universe, do you know the coordinates of my endless universe?"

"Even if Emperor Yuanmingzhou told you the coordinates, do you have a chance to leak the coordinates?"

"Now, I want to return your words to you, so I'll catch it with my hands and suffer less pain!"

Su Lang smiled coldly, and then lightly squeezed his right hand, and the Youtian Sword suddenly appeared!

For an instant.

Another incomparably powerful aura permeated.

The eight people including Emperor Yuanmingzhou felt this breath, it was as if a mouse noticed the breath of a cat, almost exploding on the spot!

"Eternal Weapon of Er Zhou!"

"Although there is something wrong with the breath, this majestic and vastness is definitely the eternal weapon of the Second Universe!"

"This, how is this possible, Su Lang himself hasn't finished reaching the Three Universes himself, and the weapon is also the eternal state of the Two Universes!"

"No, this is not true, it is definitely not true!"


Emperor Yuanmingzhou and the others stared in disbelief, looked at Su Lang and Youtian Sword dumbfounded, all of them fell into horror again.

The weapon of the Eternal Realm of the Second Universe.

This is definitely only possible with the existence of more than three universes.

These two universes, using their life's hard work, barely created an eternal weapon.

And the Eternal Weapon of One Universe, compared with the Eternal Weapon of Two Universe, is simply vulnerable.

If the weapons and the Youtian Sword in the hands of Xuanyuzi and others were **** the front, they would definitely be destroyed soon!

And just as the eight people including Emperor Yuanmingzhou were dumbfounded.

"Is this scared?"

The corner of Su Lang's mouth raised slightly, and a snap of his left hand snapped his fingers. Soon, the sword of life and the eight-sided shield of the sky appeared.


The breath of two eternal weapons spreads out again!


"There are still two eternal weapons, how is that possible!?"

"A strong eternal realm should have only one eternal weapon throughout his life!"

"Fake, it's all fake, it must be some kind of magical magical power of eternity, I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"


Emperor Yuanmingzhou, Emperor Fenglingzhou and others couldn't believe their eyes, and their three views were also rubbed on the ground!

at this time.

"If you want to be happy, don't resist!"

The corners of Su Lang's mouth raised slightly, and his body instantly disappeared from the place.

When he appeared again, he had already come to Emperor Feng Lingzhou!

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