One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2337: Shouldn’t you say it is your Majesty Su Lang?

"It seems that half a step of the weapon of the Eternal Realm is necessary to instill the Avenue of Time."

"We can only wait for its parts to evolve before instilling time."

"However, with my current strength, plus the Heavenly Sword, the Sword of Life, the Eight-Edged Shield of Heaven, and one hundred and fifty clones with similar combat power, it is completely enough to deal with Emperor Yuanming."

"After all, my current'swallowing clone' state can be permanent!"

The corner of Su Lang's mouth raised, and Dongfang Taiyi and Shixie were summoned.


There are a total of 495 times of one-key empowerment and avenue empowerment!

And Eastern Taiyi and Devouring Evil are both half-step eternity of the veteran.

Once the power of the Time Avenue is obtained, it is equivalent to obtaining the key to break through to the realm of eternity.

As long as you have enough power of the origin of the universe, you can complete the perfection of the crystal wall world, gain the power of the universe, and advance to the realm of eternity!

Before this state.

It can also be called eternal in the virtual world.

For Eastern One and Biting Evil.

Su Lang wanted to promote them only with a small amount of effort. When he got two powerful subordinates, he could just look at his family. Why not do it?

At this moment.

In front of Su Lang.

"Subordinates pay homage to His Majesty Su Lang, the Emperor of Infinite Universe!"

Dongfang Taiyi and Shixie bowed in front of Su Lang respectfully, and both of them were extremely excited.

Because the two have felt it.

Su Lang's breath is completely different!

They are all people who have seen Emperor Yuanmingzhou, Su Lang's aura at this time is already at the same level as that of Emperor Yuanmingzhou! !

In other words.

"Your Majesty Su Lang!"

"You have been promoted to the realm of eternity!?"

Ji Xie couldn't help the excitement and shock in his heart, and asked in disbelief.

Dongfang Taiyi was much reserved, but his body trembled slightly with excitement.


"I said I was promoted, but my realm is still half-step eternal."

"Said that I have not been promoted, and I have mastered the path of time and the power of the universe."

"In general, the realm has not risen, and the strength has been reached, it is completely possible to deal with Emperor Yuanmingzhou."

Su Lang smiled faintly and explained to the two of them.

"The realm has not risen, but the strength has been reached!"

"Mastered the iconic powers of the two eternal realms of the power of the universe of time, avenue!"

"Regardless of why this is the case, His Majesty Su Lang is equivalent to crossing a large realm and possessing true eternal combat power!"

"Oh my god, this is an eternal realm. His Majesty Su Lang's combat power has crossed the endless gap from the beginning to eternity. This is definitely a miracle of countless natural universes before and after!"


After listening to Su Lang's words, Dongfang Taiyi and Qixie were shocked.

"Don't be so surprised."

"It would be strange if I couldn't do such a thing as a cross-border battle."

A small smile was drawn at the corner of Su Lang's mouth, "I'm talking about business, and I'm calling you to give you the power of time!"

This statement came out.

Dongfang Taiyi and two are even more thunderous, and they are instantly numb inside and out!

"Give me the power to wait for time!?"

"Your Majesty Su Lang, you can bestow the power of time!"

"It's an unheard of, unreasonable method, shouldn't it be called Su Lang!?"


Dongfang Taiyi and Jixie only felt that their minds were dizzy and buzzing.


Watching this scene all the time, the autistic Emperor Zhou suddenly trembled, and a pair of gloomy pupils burst out with extremely complicated light.

In the color of shock and horror, disbelief and collapse that has never dissipated, there is a touch of desire.

The power of time!

Mastering the power of the Time Avenue is equivalent to mastering the key to the eternal realm.

You only need to use the origin of the universe as the force of pushing the door, and with a light push, you can step into that new and eternal realm that is beyond the natural universe!

This opportunity.

Even the immortal Emperor Zhou, who is autistic, is extremely eager, almost wanting to give up everything, begging for Su Lang, begging for Su Lang, pity her, reward her...


This is impossible.

Su Lang glanced at the immortal Emperor Zhou indifferently, got up and walked to the front of Dongfang Taiyi.

"Your Majesty Su Lang!"

Dongfang Taiyi looked up at Su Lang, with brilliance in his beautiful eyes.

"be prepared."

"I'm coming!"

Su Lang stretched out his hand and pointed at Dongfang Taiyi.

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