One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2335: There is no longer the word virtual world

Immediately after.

Under the influence of endless cultivation.

The power of these dreamlike avenues began to grow rapidly and merge with each other!

Almost instantly.

All the power of the Great Dao merged together to form a transparent and invisible force.

Immediately after.

This transparent and invisible power suddenly exploded again, returning to countless individual powers.

"These great powers have become perfect!"

"In the previous avenues, each path was understood individually."

"And the power of the cosmic avenue, in fact, each of them are related, complement each other, and form the cosmos avenue together, rather than independent."

"At this time, the powers of the great avenues that I have understood are fused to establish connections, complement each other, and complement each other. It is the same as the universal avenue in the natural universe!"


Su Lang observed the qualitatively changed crystal wall world.

But seeing it grow rapidly, and become more and more crystal clear and firm, a trace of terrifying and unique power is brewing in it

——It is the power of the universe!

"Appeared, the power of the universe!"

"Sure enough, this is a higher level of power beyond the power of the avenue, the power of twisting, and the power of incense!"

"If the rest of my power is cotton, then this cosmic power is diamond!"

"It's great, with just a trace of cosmic power, I feel that the real combat power has increased a little!"

Su Lang was excited and opened his attribute panel again.

See you.

All the "Two Universe Void Realm Eternal" no longer have the word "Void Realm".

Instead, it has become a real-world eternal realm of the Second Universe!


His cultivation level of "half-step eternity" has not changed.

"I understand."

"My path to the beginning is actually not over yet."

"After all, my time rule only incorporates a hundred crystal wall cells."

"Most of the 66,000-plus crystal wall cells have not yet reached the level that can be perfected with the origin of the universe, in other words, they have not reached the standard of eternal crystal wall cells."

"At this time, my path to the beginning and the path of eternity overlap."

"But it doesn't matter. With the function of the'crystal wall universe', these problems are nothing."

"As long as the heavens and the earth have enough energy, I can lie down and finish the path of the eternal realm!"

Su Lang looked at his brand new attribute panel, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Immediately after.

He looked at the crystal wall world that produced the power of the universe, no, it should be said that it was the crystal wall universe.

This crystal wall universe has not yet reached its limit

-Approaching the level of the universe of life.

Continuing to use the function of the ‘crystal wall universe’ can consume the cultivation base, grow it, and gain more cosmic power.

of course.

The larger the Crystal Wall Universe, the more cultivation base it consumes when it grows.

When it reaches a certain level, use the power of cultivation to grow, so that the cost of obtaining the power of the universe will decrease.

By this time.

It should give priority to upgrading the rest of the crystal wall world.


"Although my cultivation realm has not yet reached the eternal realm."

"But the true strength, in every aspect, has reached the eternal level, and there are no longer any shortcomings."

"If you really want to say it, the weapon is still a bit short."

"Then, it's time to instill time to weapons!"

"Even without the origin of the universe, it cannot evolve for it, but after obtaining the Avenue of Time, its power will also undergo a qualitative change!"

There was a glow of excitement at the corner of Su Lang's mouth, and he directly took out all the weapons he had upgraded before.

Youtian sword, Tianjia eight-sided shield, boundless number.

The realm of reincarnation, the sword of life, the nest of civilization.

Among the first three.

Infinity has already possessed the eternal power of the Second Universe Void Realm!

The Youtian Sword and the Eight-Edged Shield of Heaven also possess the eternal power of a universe.

Three weapons such as the Mirror of Reincarnation are the pinnacle of the half-step eternal state, a ceiling-level weapon.


"Activate the function of'One-Key Empowerment · Avenue Empowerment'!"

"Target, Youtian Sword, instill the Avenue of Time!"

Su Lang pulled the Youtian Sword from his hair bun, and gave the order with a smile on his face.

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