One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2333: Two Universe Void Realm Eternal

[Name]: Su Lang

[Race]: Human race

[Qualification Level]: Turbidity

[Realm level]: Half-step eternity

[Attack Level]: Two Universe Void Realm Eternal

[Defensive Level]: Two Universe Void Realm Eternal

[Shen Law Level]: Two Universe Void Realm Eternal

[Endurance Level]: Two Universe Void Realm Eternal

[Spirit Level]: Realm of Huanni

[Mastering the exercises]: Infinite Heart Sutra, "Ten Thousand Laws into One: Unlimited Profound Meaning" (Eternal Grade, Founding)

[Activated system functions]: One-key practice function (level 51), one-key martial arts function (level 51), one-key clone function (level 50), one-key treasure hunt function (level 50), one-key alchemy function (15 One-key mixer function (level 15), one-key refinement function (level 15), one-key synthesis function (level 15), one-key empowerment function (level 25), one-key enhancement function (level 11), One-key decomposition function (no level)

"The Second Universe Void Realm is eternal!"

"It seems that only relying on the Avenue of Time, without the power of the universe, still cannot grasp the true eternal power."

"However, with a half-step eternal cultivation level, it is also very good to reach the eternal state of the Second Universe Void Realm before the Time Avenue has been fully implemented."

"I don't know how many in the natural universe can do it!?"

"In addition, with the power of the Great Dao of Time and the soul of the Realm of Nirvana, my weakness is not obvious to Emperor Yuanmingzhou."

"But... my muddy body is also very strange."

"I have reached the point where I am now. I have integrated all the cosmic avenues and practiced countless eternal realm techniques, but it has not changed."

"It stands to reason that my current physique is the best in the natural universe, right?"

"Well, maybe you can find the answer in the rest of the natural universe in the future."

Su Lang looked at his attribute panel, and various thoughts emerged in his mind.

He looked up at the sky.

The gaze seemed to penetrate the land of exile, beyond the boundless realm that initially merged, across the boundless universe and even Yuanming, Fierce, Meigong, Xuanhao...

In the end, there was an immensely vast world in front of him, composed of natural universes, without knowing the profound world.

The strong of eternal realm.

A strong person beyond the natural universe.

In this realm, one can regard the world composed of natural universes as the earth, walk on it, and pursue a higher realm!

"The natural universe is not the ultimate end of the world."

"A universe made up of the natural universe? Maybe...not?"

Su Lang thought so, with a strong expectation in his eyes.

at the same time.

Emperor Zhou was completely stupid when he saw the entire process of Su Lang condensing the Great Path of Time and his strength soaring.

"Again... another breakthrough!!"

"This time, it condenses the Avenue of Time!"

"Su Lang, he has condensed the Avenue of Time in such a short time!"

"This is most of the things that can't be done for half an eternity and a lifetime, how can he, how can he condense in so little time!?"

"This is not true. This must be my illusion. There can be no such existence in the natural universe!"


The emperor Zhou made a hysterical cry in his heart.

She knew that Su Lang was extremely perverted, and it was not reasonable.

But now, Su Lang condensed the Avenue of Time in a short time, still making her unacceptable!

The reaction to the immortal Emperor Zhou.

Su Lang was used to it a long time ago, even a little tired.

He glanced at her faintly, and then began to look at himself.

Look at the life universe and the crystal wall world that integrate the avenue of time.

In his mind, the path of eternal cultivation also emerged.

Eternal Realm!

Based on the origin of the universe, perfect the universe of life and the crystal wall world, gain a share of the power of the universe that integrates the endless road, and strengthen yourself!

Choose the easiest way to unite the universe in the realm of the beginning.

At the time of eternity, the path of cultivation will become extremely difficult, or even cut off.

On the contrary, choosing the most difficult path of cultivation in the realm of the primordial beginning, and reaching the state of eternity, the path of cultivation is relatively simple.

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