One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2316: Open up nine other natural universes


Because of the shortage of communication circles across the barriers of the natural universe.

The powerful subordinates of Emperor Yuanmingzhou in the fierce universe also chose to use death to remind Emperor Yuanmingzhou.

"Something happened to the evil universe!"

"The black gold patterned shards appeared in the fierce universe!"

"It can pass the barriers of the natural universe silently, it's incredible!"


Emperor Yuanmingzhou's eyes opened in anger, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes were full of incredible colors.

But things happened.

Even if you cannot accept it, you must accept it and come up with countermeasures.

But there is only one dumb way

——Stop loss!

"Could it be."

"Do I have to sacrifice the Crystal Wall Universe in my own body?"

"If this continues, I've finally paved the road to promotion, and it will be difficult to narrow it down again!"

"Well, go to rescue some important places, the rest can only be given up."

Emperor Yuanmingzhou's pupils trembled, and the endless resentment and anger almost sprayed out.

Immediately after.

He forcibly suppressed the tsunami-like emotions in his heart and began to use the avenue of time and space to shuttle to other natural universes.

However, he did not choose Fierce Universe, but Xuanhao Universe.

Xuanhao Universe is one of the natural universes he manages best, second only to Yuanming Universe, and there are many important things in it.

For example, believers who provide incense aspirations!

In the Xuanhao universe, his best believers are the ones who survive.

At this moment.


An extremely terrifying wave of time and space exploded from Emperor Yuanmingzhou's body, instantly covering a radius of hundreds of millions of light years!

Immediately after.

A gloomy light appeared behind him, slowly growing, covering it completely.

For an instant.

Emperor Yuanmingzhou, who was shrouded in gloom, left Yuanming Universe and arrived at Xuanhao Universe.

Just came in.

Emperor Yuanmingzhou felt the incense strength of incense, and his mood improved.

at the same time.

The Heavenly Mian Continent, no, it should be said that it is in the exile land of the'Boundless World'.

Su Lang has always shared the perception of the treasure hunting ancestral glider, and has witnessed the destruction of the five Jiuyan Taichu.

"It is to remind Emperor Yuan Mingzhou with his life."

"Haha, it's really miserable!"

"With these people's reminders, Emperor Yuan Mingzhou may not dare to come to this fierce universe."

"So, which of the other eight natural universes will he go to?"

"Well, it should be priority to go to the more important one."

"When I sent the treasure hunting ancestral flying ‘step on the spot’ before, I discovered that the Xuanhao universe is different from the rest of the universe. It looks like a universe that has never raised believers."

"Moreover, the quality of believers is still very high!"

"Then, he is likely to go to this universe."

"It doesn't matter if you guess wrong, it's nothing more than sending out treasure hunting ancestral flying a few more times."


Su Lang thought so, with a sneer in his eyes.

The next moment.

He dispatched the treasure hunting ancestral flying to the Xuanhao universe.

Because when stepping on the spot, the treasure hunting ancestral glider travels through the passage of time and space, so the dispatchable map is also near the passage of time and space.

It was just at the beginning of the construction of the airport.

It is near the most prosperous cosmic area in the natural universe.


As soon as the treasure hunting ancestral flying appeared, he immediately faced Emperor Yuanmingzhou!


The treasure hunting ancestor glider looked at a galaxy floating in the distance, and the emperor Yuan Mingzhou floating above a certain planet, exuding the eternal horror, made a cunning cry.

"It's you, Miscellaneous flying squirrel!!"

Emperor Yuanmingzhou also looked at the treasure hunting ancestral flying stunned, his face was full of anger, aggrieved and incredible colors.

In his heart, there are endless stormy waves beating his chest.

Emperor Yuanmingzhou couldn't believe it.

The miscellaneous flying squirrel that was supposed to be in the fierce universe suddenly appeared in the Xuanhao universe, and it appeared in front of him! !

After an instant of horror and disbelief.

Emperor Yuanmingzhou felt a strong sense of play

——He is being played by the squirrel, or the man behind the squirrel!

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