One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2314: Preliminary reappearance of the boundless world

As soon as it appeared, it flew quickly toward the Tianmen Continent!

This is because Su Lang ordered the clone to push the mainland, causing it to float over at an extremely fast speed.

With two full eternal clones of Star Cunyun and Void Realm, as well as two large shifting formations, Su Lang could perfectly control the connection between the Heavenly Jade Continent and the Heavenly Misty Continent.

After just a few breaths.

The Heavenly Jade Continent is spliced ??on one side of the Heavenly Jade Continent!

Just watch it from the outside.

The four broken continents have been completely closed, the territory has become more and more vast, and it instantly expanded to four times its original size!

At this moment.

It was broadcast live all over the world by Su Lang through the world of heaven and earth.

In an instant it caused the biggest cheer in history!

The whole continent is like a boiling pot of oil. Countless people danced and cheered, talked about, worshipped, tears streaming down their faces, and they were extremely moved!

"Finally, recovered!!"

"Wuyinjie, it's back again!"

"Our boundless universe is finally going to be revived!"

Dongfang Taiyi couldn't help but burst into tears with excitement.

She stayed alone in Tianting Continent for billions of years, and now she finally saw the result in her dream!

"Four continents merge, and the boundless world has appeared again!"

"His Majesty Su Lang completed this incredible scene in just a few days. It is incredible!"

"Even if I saw it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe my eyes."

"But that's true. His Majesty Su Lang really won, and the Infinite Universe has achieved a phased victory!"


Xie Xie's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of deep shock, as well as the enthusiasm and worship of Su Lang!

"Finally closed!"

"It's not easy!"

Su Lang looked at this scene with emotion.

of course.

This is just a close on the surface.

The ground veins inside the four continents are not yet connected.

This makes it difficult for the energy contained in the continent to be shared. Only relying on the air condensed around the continent to conduct the energy of heaven and earth, the efficiency is very slow.


Su Lang began to implement the decision before

——Fuse the ground veins of the four continents to make a relatively shallow fusion connection.


"My clones!"

Su Lang ticked the corner of his mouth and dispelled Xing Cuanyun and his clone.

Immediately after.

A full 150 clones used the Hundred Shadow clone function to become a full 15,000 clones, instantly appearing in the place where the Heavenly Misty Continent connects with the rest of the continent.

"Space Avenue!"

"Earth System Avenue!"

"Golden Avenue!"


The 15,000 powerful clones used various powerful methods to completely heal the cracks that spread in light years.

Countless earth veins, magma fusion, gradually merged the four continents, and the energy of heaven and earth was initially connected.


The heaven and earth energy on the three continents Tianting, Tianxuan and Tianmi began to spread towards the Tianmen Continent.

The Heavenly Misty Continent, which was originally drawn by the Heavenly Misty Void Realm and turned into aridity, began to slowly rise for more than two years.

Continental fusion.

The energies of heaven and earth are also merging with each other.

Of course, this process cannot be accomplished overnight.

It will take some time to complete.


Su Lang's attention temporarily moved away from the 15,000 clone and the "Boundless Realm", and once again moved to the Yuanming universe.

In this short period of time.

The treasure hunting ancestor glider has shown great power and has almost dug out the superstar of Qiulong!

The entire huge planet has collapsed a whole circle!

And the void in the distance.

Yuan Mingzhou Emperor Kuang Hou Yunge watched this scene broadcast by his subordinates, his eyes were red with anger, his fists clenched, and he wished to find the treasure ancestor flying desperately.


He is not impulsive.


Emperor Yuanming Zhou removed the broadcast picture and continued to collect the natural life planets in the universe wholeheartedly.

He is fast.

Since the collection of Xuanhao superstars, millions of life planets have been collected!

have to say.

Emperor Yuanmingzhou's stop loss ability is quite strong.


Most of the high-level resources of Yuanming Universe have hit the top nine superstars.

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