One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2306: The Divine Realm Tong Reaches the Founding Level

Followed by.

In the stunned gaze of this primordial warrior.


Within the detection range of his divine mind, a plain collapsed and turned into a bottomless chasm in the valley!


This chasm is still spreading into the distance, as if it is going to cut the entire planet!


"It's not good!"

"That weird black gold-patterned flying squirrel has drilled into the ground!"

"It's over, it's going to dig up the entire Ni Mang superstar!"


When this primordial warrior saw that terrifying scene, he was instantly stunned, stunned, and trembling, and those who didn't know thought he was scared to pee.

Followed by.

He quickly passed this information to his superiors.

In an instant.

The Origin Emperor got the news.

"Into the ground!"

"Damn miscellaneous rats, it's really pervasive!"

The Origin Emperor was so angry that his forehead was bruised, and his gums were almost bloody with a mouthful of teeth.

But there is nothing he can do!

He didn't even dare to go to Ni Mang's giant star and take that planet into the crystal wall universe together with the treasure hunting ancestral shrew.

Because the Origin Emperor was very jealous of the treasure hunting ancestral eagle, he did not dare to take it into his body.

At this time.

After receiving the charm superstar.

The Origin Emperor painfully went to another giant star named Xuanhao to continue to implement the stop-loss plan.


Su Lang's treasure hunting ancestor formed a strange competition with the Origin Nether Emperor, frantically competing for the treasures in the Origin Nether Universe.


"Origin Emperor, you can slowly stop the loss!"

"When I accumulate enough cultivation, the loss you stop will be taken away by me all at once, haha!"

Su Lang knew the plan of the Origin Emperor through the treasure hunting ancestral eagle, and he couldn't help but hook the corner of his mouth, revealing a shallow sneer.

Right now!

"Ding! The Divine Realm Tong has reached the founding level! ”

A system prompt appeared in Su Lang's mind.

Followed by!

The endless mysteries of the Divine Realm were instilled into his soul and body out of thin air.

These mysteries were completely fused with Su Lang's soul and body.


Su Lang was like a Divine Realm Tong who had practiced for countless years, and he had completely formed his instincts!

Divine Realm Pass!

An Eternal Realm footwork!

As long as you want an anchor, you can go almost anywhere you want.

This and Su Lang's doppelganger sent doppelganger replacement, causing his mobility to soar wildly again!

But that's not all!

Don't forget.

The one-click martial arts training function has a heaven-defying auxiliary function, the peak of the exercise!

The pinnacle of exercises

Any exercise that Su Lang had practiced would be upgraded to the level of the most advanced exercise in the Infinite Mysteries of Ten Thousand Laws!

Other words.

The highest level of exercises that Su Lang practiced at this time had reached the eternal level!


The remaining more than 50 million exercises have all passively reached the Eternal Realm!!

This is the most explosive effect at the top of the exercise!

This is the moment.

The more than 50 million exercises that Su Lang had practiced had all reached the Eternal Realm, and the aura on his body instantly skyrocketed countless times!


The incomparably majestic, incomparably terrifying aura spread towards the surroundings like a tsunami.

In an instant.

Everything in a radius of tens of millions of miles has been razed to the ground!

"Lying noisy!"

"Quickly converge your breath."

"It's good that there is no one around, otherwise it will definitely cause accidental injury."

Su Lang was surprised and delighted, and quickly converged all his breath.


"Eternal Eternal Realm!?"

"How is it possible, how is it possible!"

"It's only been so long, how could he break through to the Eternal Realm in such a short time!?"

"No, it's not true, I must be crazy to have such an illusion!"


The Immortal Emperor, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, was already shocked to the point that his face was stunned, and his mouth was wide open.

Her eyes were sluggish, and her eyes were full of the collapse of the three views!


"Wipe your saliva!"

Seeing the immortal emperor's dumbfounded look, Su Lang suddenly raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said playfully.

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