One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2304: The tragic loss of Emperor Yuanmingzhou

Almost at the moment when Emperor Yuan Ming Zhou ordered it.

There are many places in the entire Yuanming universe, and there are even early warriors among them!

The news soon reached Emperor Yuan Mingzhou's ears.

This made him so angry that he was so angry that he almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

"Pass my order!"

"Anyone who dares to make trouble, all arrest!"

"I want to make him live forever in endless torture!!"


Emperor Yuanmingzhou's eyes were blood red, and he gave orders with murderous aura.

Those half-step eternal realms don't dare to turbulence, and have been obediently waiting for orders.

At this time, I received the order from Emperor Yuanmingzhou, and immediately relayed the orders to the grassroots level by level!


Suppression began!

Countless warriors have carried out brutal and inhuman killings on those warriors who have made trouble. It can be said that they would rather kill a hundred by mistake than let one go!


In a short time.

Countless warriors have fallen.

The chaos of Yuanming Universe was suppressed immediately because of the timely suppression and fierce intensity.


The rest of the warriors are also executing the order of Emperor Yuanmingzhou, registering the surrounding things on the spot, and incorporating them into the universe of life.

Just in case.

Those strong men even took the inhabitants of every planet into the universe of life, the crystal wall world.

The twenty-seven half-step eternal powerhouses directly took away the natural life planets.

The Emperor Yuanmingzhou took a deep breath and prepared to directly collect the superstar of the Charm Palace under his feet.


The size of the Meigong superstar is really too big!

Even Emperor Yiyuan Mingzhou still needs some time to enter the crystal wall world in his body.

"Yuanming Unlimited·Space Road!!"

Emperor Yuanmingzhou’s eyes burst with light, and the terrifying power of space bloomed from his body, instantly radiating countless light years, and enveloping the entire superstar of the Charm Palace!

boom! !

Having existed in this void for countless billions of years, the huge and incomparable charm palace star suddenly shook, and the terrifying spatial ripples suddenly opened!

Dense folds appeared directly in the near-field void of the superstar.

It is as if the surface of the space will peel off like an old wall at any time!

Immediately after.

The power of the space avenue on Emperor Yuanmingzhou continues to expand!

This powerful eternal realm powerhouse.

At this time, it turned into a real black hole, and countless matter, energy, light, and even time and space were rushing into his body madly!

All this is simply a cosmic wonder.


The Emperor Mingzhou who created this majestic scene, was extremely painful!

Because the Meigong superstar is really too big.

To accept the superstar of the Charm Palace, he must merge many crystal wall worlds in his body to form a huge world that can accommodate the superstar of the Charm Palace.

This is a very painful loss for Emperor Yuanmingzhou!

and this.

It involves the cultivation path of the eternal realm.

When it comes to the Eternal Realm, the road continues the two of the Primordial Realm, namely the Great Thousand World and the One World Road.

At the same time, we must continue to study Time Avenue.

The Daqian Universe and the Guiyi Universe, the former belong to the Crystal Wall Universe, and the latter belong to the Monolithic Universe.

In the primordial realm, the ordinary primordial will choose the path of unity to the universe.

Because this will greatly reduce the difficulty of breakthrough, accelerate the speed of realm breakthrough, and get more lifespan...

Only the best in the early days would choose the two practitioners.

And only a pervert like Su Lang would choose to completely follow the path of the great universe.

In the realm of eternity, the difficulty of cultivation is reversed.

A warrior who walks the path of the Great Thousand Universe, after breaking through to the eternal state, the difficulty of practicing will be much lower than that of the eternal path of the one universe.

Because the eternal realm practice the way of the universe, the purpose is to constantly improve the humanoid universe of oneself!

Using the origin of the universe and the core origin of the universe, the universe of life and the universe of crystal walls can be perfected.

The effect of the core of the universe is naturally stronger than that of the universe.

The Big Thousand Universe is a collection of a large number of small universes of the crystal wall system.

Each universe is smaller, and this crystal wall universe is easier to reach perfection.

Using the origin of the universe and the core origin of the universe to reach a perfect state of a crystal wall universe, you can obtain a very powerful universe.

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