One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2283: It’s over, he started to tear it down


Two and a half-step eternal guards thundered, and a jaw-dropping scene happened!

However, I saw that the weird black flying squirrel had passed through countless array barriers in an instant!

No matter how powerful the formation is.

The black gold-pattern flying squirrel can pass directly through as if nothing was left!


"How is this possible!"

"These formations are all of the primordial level, containing countless great powers!!"

"Even, there is a half-step eternal combined formation in it!"

"What is the origin of that little flying squirrel, it can ignore the formation that our Yuanming Universe has spent countless years on!"

"Damn it, it rushed over, its target is the time and space port, quickly, kill it!"


The two half-step eternal guards looked at the treasure hunting ancestral glider in disbelief, and their eyes were about to fall out of shock.


Looking at the treasure hunting ancestral flying closer and closer.

When the two and a half steps of the eternal strong were horrified, they brazenly launched a terrifying attack!

The first is the super time rule that is eternally mastered in half a step!

The power of time second only to the Avenue of Time, together with the Avenue of Space, formed an endless turbulent flow of time and space, blocking the treasure hunting ancestral flying!

There are also other magical powers and great powers, forming countless attacks and barriers, trying to stop the treasure hunting ancestral flying!

however! !

Still no effect!

Regardless of the attacking methods of the two powerhouses, or the defensive blocking methods, it has no effect on the treasure hunting ancestral glider.

Even the terrifying turbulence of time and space can't make the treasure hunting ancestral glider get a little hindered.

in a blink!

The treasure hunting ancestral glider flew over countless distances and rushed to the space-time harbor building.

"No, it's impossible!"

"What the **** is this, and why our attacks have no effect on him!"

"Unbelievable, unbelievable, even in the real eternal realm, we must use various methods to disperse us!"

"Damn, he rushed to the body of Time and Space Harbor!"

"It's over, he started to tear it down!!"


The two half-step eternal guards were so shocked that their thinking was about to freeze.

Immediately after.

They watched with extreme horror as Su Lang's treasure hunting ancestor glider dug down a mountain-like part on the body of Time Kong Port.


A roar came from above the time and space port.

Immediately, the natural universe space-time channel resembling the black sun trembled violently!


"Contact your Majesty Yuan Mingzhou!"

"Only His Majesty the Emperor Hades can stop him!"


The two half-step eternal level powerhouses saw the time and space port being damaged, and immediately trembled all over, and began to contact Yuan Mingzhou Emperor!


They are just half-step eternal strong.

And Emperor Yuanmingzhou is far in the boundless universe, separated by the time and space barriers of two natural universes!

Even if they had the means bestowed by Emperor Yuanmingzhou, they couldn't contact Emperor Mingzhou in a short time!


Su Lang wouldn't let them contact Yuan Mingzhou Emperor so easily.

See you.

The two half-step eternal guardians each took out a half set of strange formations.

It is refined by Emperor Yuanmingzhou himself, and contains the time avenue, a treasure that can penetrate the time and space barriers of the natural universe to connect!

After taking out the battlefield hurriedly.

The two half-step eternal powerhouses immediately began to activate the formation, their facial features were about to shift with anxiety.

But at this moment.

"go with!"

"Snatch them!"

Su Lang smiled coldly, and instantly gave instructions to the treasure hunting ancestral glider.


The treasure hunting ancestral glider who was originally in the scourge of time and space was ordered, and did not hesitate to abandon time and space, turning around and rushing to those battles.

The speed of the treasure hunting ancestral glider has reached a terrifying eternal level!

The two half-step eternals almost didn't even see the phantom, the formation in front of them disappeared!


"Oh my God, that weird black flying squirrel with gold stripes is also interested in these formations!!"

"It's over, we can't contact His Majesty Yuan Mingzhou!"

"Quickly, notify the guards of the other eight time and space ports, let them contact His Majesty Yuan Mingzhou Emperor, and be prepared..."

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