Along the way.

The immortal Emperor Zhou watched as the treasure hunting ancestor glider would scrape all the planets along the way!

As you get closer to the center of the evil star field.

The bigger the planet, the stronger the energy of the heavens and the earth, the more the treasures of the heavens and the earth, and the stronger the strong above it.

But no matter what.

No planet, no strong man, in front of the treasure hunting ancestral glider, can not escape the fate of being raided.

This extremely terrifying search ability.

Suddenly the emperor Emperor Zhou was shocked, and he couldn't help but feel angry and aggrieved!

Yuanming universe is where she was born and grew up.

The nine major time and space ports, such as Xiaoming Shikonggang, are places she has lived in for many years, and she is very familiar with it!

Watching that familiar hometown was harmed by Su Lang.

How can the immortal Emperor Zhou not be sad?


"Feeling very sad?"

Su Lang turned his head and looked at the immortal Emperor Zhou, with a sneer in his eyes.


Emperor Zhou hummed coldly and said nothing.

"Ha ha!"

"You are sad!"

"Where are you when the universe is cruel and poisonous?"

"What about the time when the previous Emperor Infinite Universe was killed, countless powerful men were killed, and the Infinite Realm was abruptly broken into four pieces?"

"Now, I just use the way of the person to treat the person."

"That's it, right now, it's just an appetizer!!"

"It's a pity that Emperor Yuanmingzhou failed to witness all this with his own eyes."

"However, with his means, he can definitely keep in touch with Yuanming Universe and learn about Yuanming Universe's suffering!"

Su Lang looked at the immortal Emperor Zhou. Even if this woman surrendered, she could not conceal and erase her crimes against the boundless universe.


After listening to Su Lang's words, Emperor Zhou couldn't refute it at all.

at this time.

The treasure hunting ancestor glider successfully entered the center of the evil star field, the evil superstar, the whole process is like entering no man's land! !

"Ferocious superstar!"

"It's really vast, worthy of being one of the nine centers of Yuanming Universe!"

Su Lang looked at the scene in the sight of the treasure hunting ancestor flying, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

Fierce star.

Ten times larger than the half-step eternal life universe planet Mi Ling Buddha! !

Countless creatures live on it.

For the vast majority of creatures, the land of the evil superstar is almost limitless!

And this planet.

It is also one of the nine most prosperous planets in the Yuanming universe!


"Soon, this place will become a piece of white ground!!"

Su Lang ticked the corner of his mouth and ordered the treasure hunting ancestral glider to move on

——Go to the fierce natural universe!

He has to develop a dispatchable map in the fierce natural universe, and then he will attack the time and space port!

The Haunted Spaceport is just above the Haunted Star.

It looks like a huge black sun is hanging, surrounded by silky arcs of light, which is quite mysterious!

Guarding the fierce time and airport are two half-step eternal strong men!


These two half-step eternal powerhouses did not react at all.

The treasure hunting ancestral glider disappeared in the space-time channel!

I felt some strange reactions in the space-time channel.

The expressions of these two half-step eternal powerhouses changed drastically, they looked at each other in disbelief, and their facial features were about to shift in horror!

In the picture transformed by Su Lang.

Compared with the treasure hunting ancestral glider, the speed of the two is extremely slow, all movements and expressions are extremely slow, like sloths, extremely funny!

Immediately after.

The treasure hunting ancestral glider entered the fierce natural universe!

This is the third natural universe that Su Lang has come into contact with!

Real-time image transformed by Su Lang.

Emperor Zhou also saw everything the treasure hunter ancestor saw. She opened her mouth slightly, her face full of shock and anxiety.

"It's a fierce natural universe!!"

"You actually entered the fierce natural universe!"

"Could it be that you will not only cause chaos in the Yuanming universe, but also in the fierce natural universe!?"


Indestructible Emperor Zhou looked at Su Lang incredulously, it was hard to imagine that Su Lang's appetite would be so terrifying!


"I don't just want to do things in Yuanming and Fierce Universe."

"I want Emperor Yuanmingzhou to do harm to all the natural universe!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Su Lang's mouth, and his eyes were full of cold light.

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