Youtian Sword, Infinite Number and Tianjia Eight-Edged Shield have risen to such a terrifying level.

Nature needs more majestic energy to support operation!

Although Su Lang had a huge amount of too primary pill to take, it was a consumable after all.

A restoration treasure that can be used permanently is a must.


Su Lang would choose to upgrade the Bright Sword.

And promotion to build the Moon Mother Nest is naturally to create more intelligent creatures and cultivation civilization.


Su Lang's Crystal Wall worlds are numerous, and they will be promoted to Crystal Wall Universe in the future, so naturally they cannot be left empty.

Therefore, it is necessary to construct the mother's nest!

As for Luo Youjing.

Acting for Su Lang to reincarnate in the body.

Dealing with countless souls all the time, indirectly raising the level of the world in Su Lang's body and increasing the power of humanity!

at this time.

Luo Youjing, Bright Sword, and Moon-Constructing Brood are all relatively low-level. They have been strengthened nine times on the current basis, and they are only in the Five Beginning Stage.

"How about such a low level?"

Su Lang smiled slightly, and immediately began the operation of strengthening reset, evolution, and strengthening.


The Bright Sword, Luoyou Mirror, and the Mother Nest of the Moon were all evolved by Su Lang to the state of Jiuyan Taichu.

And on this basis, it has been strengthened three times, reaching a level that is stronger than the half-step eternal level.


The recovery ability of the Bright Sword has directly reached the point of incomparable horror, and it can even bring back a powerful person who has just died! !

And the mother's nest of the moon has become stronger.

Not only has the number and quality of spores increased wildly, but it has even mastered the real time acceleration method for spores!

Before, it could only accelerate the spore creatures physically, which is an ability to increase the speed of cell metabolism and the speed of thinking.

At this time there is a certain time acceleration means.

The spores produced by the mother's nest can develop at tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of times, the speed of normal human development!

Almost a breathing room.

A simple civilization of intelligent creatures can be born, and with a little more time, these civilizations can become mature!


The humane power born of these civilizations will be attributed to the virtual spirit universe!

After Luo Youjing was promoted.

The transformed world of reincarnation is more real and majestic, and the ability to collect the souls of the world in Su Lang's body is also greatly increased!

Hardly any soul that can be pulled into reincarnation will be missed!

Except besides.

There are other magical functions, such as cultivating dead souls.

at this time.

The promotion of the three weapons is completed.

"Xiaoluo thanked Master!"

"Yue'e, thank you Master!"

"Assafir thank you Master!"

Three Qi Ling immediately grateful to Su Lang.

"How can you treat you badly if you do things for me."

Su Lang smiled slightly, then waved his hand, "Now that you are promoted to this level, you should change your name."


In the eyes of the three spirits extremely expectant.

Su Lang gave three new weapons with different names.

They are the mirror of reincarnation, the sword of life, and the nest of creatures!


After the three weapons once again thanked him, Su Lang waved him back.

In an instant.

The three weapons returned to their respective positions.

The Mirror of Reincarnation enters Su Lang's Dantian universe and controls the universe of ten directions, the reincarnation of countless creatures in the crystal wall world.

The Nest of Living Beings enters the Tai Sui universe, continuously producing spores, throwing out the heavens and worlds in Su Lang's body.

The sword of life turned into a pattern on Su Lang's other sleeve, which could restore Su Lang's strength and heal his injuries at any time!

So far.

This aspect of weapons is handled.

Su Lang's gaze fell on the newly obtained Gongfa classics.

He has roughly processed those exercises, and at this time he is looking for the "Chaos Refining Anti-True Dao" in the mouth of the immortal Emperor Zhou!


Carefully searched for many Mi Ling bald donkeys, but did not find this exercise.

Unwilling to reconcile, Su Lang searched for the other twenty-four half-step eternal realm powerhouses' various classics, but did not find this technique.

"Looking at the source, Emperor Mingzhou doesn't allow them to burn this technique."

"In that case, I can only go to Yuanming Universe to try my luck. If you haven't, you can only talk about it after the Emperor Yuanming Universe."

Su Lang thought so, and soon took out the body fragments and life universe of twenty-four half-step Eternal Realm powerhouses.

Not bad.

He wants to transfer the life universe and crystal wall world that the half-step eternal powerhouses have operated for countless years!

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