One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2252: Called so many people to gang up on me

"This is... time and space fluctuations!!"

"And it's not ordinary time and space fluctuations, its scope is extremely broad!"

"The key is that this is the fluctuations generated by the Avenue of Time and Space, not ordinary rules of time and space!"

"It's nothing more than the Avenue of Space. In the boundless universe, the only person who can spur the Avenue of Time is the Emperor Underworld!"

"Could it be that he has already left the Tianxuan continent!?"

Thinking of this, Su Lang couldn't help but shrink his pupils, his hair standing upright.

If Emperor Yuan Mingzhou is out at this time.

He really has no way to fight, and can only use the clone to replace the crazy escape.

By the time.

Even if they can escape successfully, they must abandon the long-run Tianmen Continent and the two newly acquired continents.

Perhaps it will lose the land of exile, a training weapon with a flow rate of one hundred thousand times!


Then think again.

Su Lang felt something wrong again.

Emperor Yuanmingzhou will leave the customs when he exits the customs. What is the use of Time and Space Dao?

The time avenue and the space avenue are displayed at the same time, and the purpose is often to open up the space-time tunnel.

If Emperor Yuan Mingzhou wants to kill him, he doesn't need to spend so much time.

"Things are really not right."

"I have to look into what happened on the Tianxuan continent!"

A trace of doubt flashed in Su Lang's eyes, and he immediately continued to send his clone to the Heavenly Jade Continent.

Because that clone is relatively close to the Tianxuan continent.

With Su Lang's spiritual power detection range at this time, using the clone dispatch function, the clone can move 100 million light-years at a time!

Not long.

The clone arrived near the Tianxuan continent.

But I saw that this continent had no defensive measures. Looking down from the void, the whole continent was shrouded in endless smoke and dust.

It is as if the entire continent has become wasteland.

at this time.

That incredibly obvious wave of time and space disappeared.

Su Lang dispatched the avatar to the place where Time and Space Avenue was, and everything he went through was in full view.


A strong breath entered the spirit of Su Lang clone.

At this time, Su Lang's spiritual thoughts had reached the limit of the half-step eternal state, 100 million light years!

This is unmatched by the Immortal Emperor Zhou and other senior half-step Eternal Realm.


Su Lang's clone sensed the existence of the immortal Emperor Zhou and others, but the immortal Emperor Zhou and others did not discover the existence of the Su Lang clone!

at this time.

After seeing the Immortal Emperor Zhou and the others through the clone, Su Lang's eyes suddenly stared.

"I fork!"

"This is...In addition to the immortal Emperor Zhou, there are a total of twenty-four half-step eternity!"

"I'll take it. It turns out that the time and space fluctuations just now meant that Emperor Emperor Zhou went to rescue soldiers!"

"According to her information on the Jiuyan Taichu Baoyi, Emperor Yuanmingzhou does have dozens of eternal half-steps under his command!"

"Now these twenty-odd statues are half-step eternity, they should be half or half of the eternity under Yuan Mingzhou Emperor!"

"Tsk tusk, Emperor Zhou, how do you hate me, you even called so many people to fight me."

"Fortunately, I have a clone that is as strong as me, with half-step eternal combat power, well, the number is 147."

Su Langling hides the clone in the distance, secretly observing those half-step eternal realm strong.

He was a little surprised at first, then the corners of his mouth were raised.

In addition to the immortal Emperor Zhou, there are a total of twenty-five half-step eternal realms. Such power can be said to be extremely terrifying.

After all, in an ordinary natural universe, the number of half-step eternal realm powerhouses is only one digit.

However, compared to the number of Su Lang's clones, it is still much worse!

This is also something that Immortal Emperor Zhou and those who broke their heads in half an eternity would never have thought.

At this moment.

Emperor Zhou and others are discussing launching an attack on Su Lang's Heavenly Continent!


"This time our offense must be extremely concealed!"

"Because that hateful Golden Crow Dongfang Taiyi is guarding the Tianting Continent."

"She controls the lifeline of the Tianting Continent, and can bring the Tianting Continent to death at any time. This is what His Majesty Yuan Mingzhou absolutely does not want to see!"

"We must capture Su Lang alive before Dongfang Taiyi can react, and then force Dongfang Taiyi to surrender the Tianting Continent!"

"Even if we let Su Lang go temporarily, he will never escape from our palm."

"At that time, all three continents will fall into our hands, and Su Lang's death time will come!"

Speaking of this, a strong hatred rose in the eyes of the Emperor Immortal!

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