One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2247: The natural universe space-time channel opens

have to say.

The passage through the natural universe is too difficult to arrange.

Even if there are ready-made formations refined by the eternal strong, the immortal Emperor Zhou will take a lot of time!

after a while.

The immortal Emperor Zhou finally completed this big project!


"Su Lang, my time avenue array is finished, and the natural universe shuttle channel is about to open!"

"As long as you have all kinds of methods, it is definitely not the opponent of the half-step eternal realm strong under my husband!"

"I don't believe it, you can beat ten or even dozens of half-step eternal realms!"


A trace of hatred and killing intent flashed in the eyes of the Immortal Emperor Zhou.

Immediately after.

She came to the middle of the huge natural universe channel array!

This altar occupies a very large area.

It consists of thousands of arrays centered on the main array, forming a circular array with a diameter of one hundred thousand light years!

The passage between the two natural universes must be opened up. Nature is no small matter. The formation of a hundred thousand light-years in diameter is not an exaggeration at all.

Standing on the top of the middle altar.

The Immortal Emperor Zhou sat on the ground, adjusting his state.

After a while.

"The rule of time is the guide, the Avenue of Time travels through the universe, open it for me!"

Emperor Zhou suddenly opened his eyes, pinched the tactics with both hands, and unfolded his whole body's time rules without reservation, paying attention to the formation at his feet!

Instant time!

A strange wave is coming from the array!

That is a breath that exceeds the level of time rules, the real road of time!


This time avenue feels incompatible with the boundless universe, as if it shouldn't exist.

at this time.

After the time avenue breathed out.

Countless strange patterns suddenly appeared over the entire Tianxuan continent.

These weird lines appear to be twisted, like a glass heart.

And countless twisted lines, covering the entire sky.

Then, centered on the time avenue natural universe shuttle array where the immortal emperor is located, spread from the sky to the ground!

Immediately after.

These lines and the edges of the formations are connected to each other, forming a strange cylindrical twisted channel.

as time flows.

Emperor Zhou constantly urged the formation.

The distortion of those weird lines gradually became smaller, and finally approached a straight line.


The cylindrical channel formed by these lines also extends infinitely beyond the Tianxuan continent until it touches the cosmic barrier of the boundless universe! !

At this point.

The lines forming the cylindrical channel are completely transformed into straight lines.

It's like a channel made up of an infinite number of parallel lines.

And these "parallel lines" are actually the appearance of the power of time and space.


"The docking of Time and Space Avenue!!"

"Next, take the words of the husband, return to Yuanming Universe, lead reinforcements to kill Su Lang, and retake those continents!"

A bit of killing intent flashed in the Immortal Emperor's Eye, and the shuttle function of the channel was immediately activated!


An extremely majestic, yet gentle and gentle force of time and space acted on the Immortal Emperor Zhou.

Her body seems to have turned into countless ‘parallel lines’, gradually blending into the huge passage of time and space!


The body of Emperor Zhou disappeared completely!

And the Time Avenue Array began to absorb the energy of heaven and earth on its own, and rely on its own stored energy to maintain the passage between the two natural universes!

It was at the same time that the Immortal Emperor Zhou left the boundless universe and returned to the Yuanming universe.

In the land of exile.


"The cultivation base is full again, so we can condense deeper time rules!"

Su Lang looked at his mysterious black space, the cultivator with his whole body turned into gold, and couldn't help showing an excited smile.

Immediately after.


"Give me the rules of Ba Yantai primary time!"

Su Lang's eyes flashed, and his thoughts moved, and he gave instructions.

The next moment.

Countless cultivation bases disappeared.

An even more difficult and obscure ‘past’ time rule has been incorporated into Su Lang’s soul!

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