
"I want to see what new tricks you have."

Dongfang Taiyi sneered in disbelief, and looked at Su Lang with beautiful eyes, as if watching an actor.

"Be mentally prepared!"

"Now, I will first perform for the Eastern girl and promote hundreds of early powers in one go!"

Su Lang clicked the corner of his mouth and immediately waved his hand, and he immediately selected hundreds of quasi-too junior powerhouses from the Infinity.

After practicing in the land of exile, beheading Shang Mouzhuo and others on the Heavenly Continent, and then rioting on the Tianmi Continent.

The number of one-key empowerments is finally refreshed!

At this time, just in front of Dongfang Taiyi, promote some of her subordinates, let her see and see!

And the reason why hundreds of people were elected instead of five hundred.

It is because Su Lang intends to improve the time rules for some old players!

At this moment.

"Your Majesty Emperor Zhou!"

All of the selected Quasi Taichu were very excited!

Because they know that they are about to be promoted to a real too junior powerhouse!

And Dongfang Taiyi was extremely shocked.


"Promote hundreds of early powers in one go?"

"How can this be!?"

Dongfang Taiyi looked at Su Lang suspiciously, his eyes full of disbelief.


Su Lang even said this in front of her. He was obviously very confident in doing so!

This immediately made Dongfang Taiyi couldn't help but think: He doesn't really have that kind of guard against the sky! ?

"Look up!"

Su Lang smiled at Dongfang Tai across the thick ground, and immediately called the first quasi-primary warrior.

This quasi-primary warrior was respectful and knelt in front of Su Lang expectantly.

When I saw it, I knew that Su Lang had seen many scenes where Su Lang was promoted to be too junior at the beginning, and I could see the experience!

"Today you join me in the battle of Tianmi Continent, everyone has merit, everyone deserves a reward."

"All of you, I will help you advance to the Primordial Stage!"

"Don't worry if you haven't called now, you will be promoted to hundreds of people every day!"

Su Lang looked around the crowd with a smile, and immediately pressed the forehead of Quasi Taichu in front of him with his hand, and directly activated the rule empowerment function!

next moment!

Su Lang's own time rules were poured into this Quasi-Prince's body, making him directly comprehend it!

It should be noted that Su Lang does not master ordinary time rules,

It has reached the time rule of Qiyan Taichu level.

This not only allows the quasi-primary warrior to directly promote to the primitive state.

And from then on, until the Qiyan Primordial Realm is cultivated, there will be no more bottlenecks in the time rule!

at this time.

The Quasi-primary Beginner, who was instilled by Su Lang, was originally at the ceiling of Quasi-primary Beginner's level. After comprehending the power of the powerful rules, he immediately broke through to the primal primacy level!

If Su Lang instilled some cultivation skills in him, he would surely be able to continue to break through.

However, the cultivation level is still more treasured for Su Lang.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, I don't intend to instill it in my subordinates.

After instilling the rules of time, Su Lang once again instilled a practice exercise technique for this new Jin Taichu so that he could practice and improve himself!

Under the earth.

Dongfang Taiyi blinked in disbelief when he looked at Zhun Taichu who had broken through Su Lang's palm.

A strong man from the beginning was born so simply! !

This is really a fantasy!

"I directly promoted a strong man from the beginning!"

"And it took such a short time!"

"Could this Su Lang really promote hundreds of Taichu to come out!?"

"Or, that quasi-tai was approaching a breakthrough in the beginning, but was just cooperating with Su Lang in acting!?"


Various thoughts arose in the vigilant Dongfang Taiyi, but he still did not fully believe in Su Lang.

at this time.

The second Quasi Taichu came to Su Lang again.

Su Lang naturally stretched out his hand to cover the forehead of this Quasi Taichu.


"Don't he need to rest?"

"Obviously I just promoted a too junior strong, now I will promote the second one!?"

Dongfang Taiyi's eyes widened, his eyes full of shock and doubt.

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