Immediately she shook her head severely.

Don't believe the tracking results I got!

The golden figure of Mi Ling on the side was also unbelievable, stunned, and then thought it was absolutely impossible.

No way.

It's so incredible!

Tianting Continent is almost a closed continent, and it is countless light years away from Tianmi Continent.

How could Su Lang rush to the Tianting Continent all at once? It was completely against the common sense rules of the universe!


Emperor Zhou felt that he had made a mistake, come again!

She immediately used a brand new tracking method, this time it was even more powerful!


The result is still the same

——It shows that Su Lang is in the Tianting Continent!

"Do not!"

"How could this be!?"

"How could that Su Lang go to Tianting Continent!?"

"I made a mistake again, I must have made a mistake again!"

The Immortal Emperor Zhou cried out in exclamation with some collapse, and the golden figure of Mi Ling beside him also opened his mouth wide, too horrified to speak.

Immediately after.

Emperor Zhou took a deep breath, calmed his emotions, and immediately began to use the time rule to trace the traces of Su Lang!

"There is no constant time and space map!"

"Show me...!!!"

The Immortal Emperor Zhou floated in the clouds in the sky, washing his body with countless powerful energy.

Seeing her folded her hands, her fingers were frantically pinched, and a giant scroll immediately emerged.

The scroll is completely black, with only a thin white line on it!

That thin line is the timeline!

And this kind of method is displayed by the immortal Emperor Zhou with his own practice, plus special treasures!

At this time, the timeline drawing axis emerged, and it suddenly expanded wildly.

In a short time.

Thousands of trillions of light-years are covered by it!

Within this range.

All time is in the hands of the Immortal Emperor Zhou!

Using the timeline to draw the axis, she can move the time forward and backward at will, and see everything happening on the timeline!

This is the tyrannical half-step eternal realm!

At this moment.

The timeline drawing axis spread out.

The Emperor of Immortality immediately moved the timeline back, just like pulling a progress bar while watching a video, to check the content that was played before.

As the timeline continues to move back.

Within the scope of the timeline drawing axis, everything starts to go backwards!

Even the golden figure of Mi Ling, because of the power of time, irresistibly regressed back into the pilgrimage Buddha city!

It must be known that the Golden Remnant Shadow also has a combat power close to the half-step Eternal Realm.

This shows that the means of Immortal Emperor Zhou are really strong!

Immediately after.

The timeline continued to retreat, and somewhere, a small figure suddenly appeared, it was Su Lang's Baiying clone.


The look of Emperor Zhou is extremely ugly.

Because it was different from other things, the other things were truly moving along the timeline, controlled by the immortal Emperor Zhou.

However, Su Lang's Baiying clone is only an image.

Because Baiying's clone was the one who appeared here when Su Lang used the clone to replace it to go to the Heavenly Ting Continent, and was immediately taken into the clone pool by him.

No matter how powerful the Immortal Emperor Zhou's methods are, its timeline drawing axis only covers less than a trillion light-years, and it is impossible to reach Su Lang who has reached the Tianting Continent!

at this time.

After the image of Su Lang's avatar of Baiying appeared, it immediately became the indomitable Infinite, which is also an image...


"Su Lang, where did you go!!!"

"You can't be in Tianting Continent, impossible!"


Emperor Zhou was very collapsed and screamed, she couldn't imagine what serious consequences would be if Su Lang went to Tianting Continent!


She couldn't believe the truth at all.

"You must still be in Tianmi Continent, something wrong!"

"I want to find you, I must find you, I want to kill you!!"

The Immortal Emperor Zhou roared fiercely, and immediately she maintained a powerful timeline and searched everywhere following the residual breath of Su Lang!

Where she went.

Time goes crazy!

Everything is going backwards, all going back to the past!

But Emperor Zhou can only see the phantom of the Boundless forever, no matter how she chases after her, she can't catch Su Lang...

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