"Damn it!"

"Then how many weird creatures Su Lang has cultivated!!"

"You can't kill it, you can't kill it at all, kill this side, and there will be again there!!"

"One day, when Su Lang is killed, I will have my share!


The two of them were in very bad mood, and all kinds of angry thoughts and killing intent, as well as residual fears and fears rose in their hearts!

The death of Bailian and Ruohai.

It really scared them!

If they were targeted by Su Lang at that time, it would be them both!

"Kill kill kill!"

The two went crazy and killed the treasure hunting flying gliders, venting their anger and covering up their fear.

at this time!

"Run away!!"

Suddenly the voice of Mi Ling Buddha appeared in the ears of Bliss and Whirling, and the voice was full of endless incredible!


Bliss and Whispering trembled all over, without even thinking about them, they flee towards Mi Ling Tianshan in an instant.

But at the moment they acted.

Endless formation barriers appear out of thin air, suppress all displacement means!

The surrounding space is also folded by endless twisting force, forming countless space barriers!

There is even more endless time against the current surging and surging, like a real long river of time against the current! !

Although the Tianzutong of Bliss and Whirling is powerful enough, it is not a means of time. It is a ‘conventional level’ means in the early realm.

In this way, how can he break Su Lang's half-step eternal suppression!

Although their time rules are strong enough, they are one level higher than the time rules of Sulang Wuyin.

However, the power of Su Lang's time rules is too surging, and the amount is already so much that it can suppress the two people of Bliss and Pusa!


It's just time for a thought.

Bliss and Pusa were trapped in place!

"This is the power of the Half-Step Eternal Realm!"

"No, how could it be possible for a half-step eternal state to be able to do something on Tianmi Continent!?"

"It's Su Lang, Su Lang's bitch, in the blink of an eye, his strength has soared again!!"

"No, it's not true!!"


Infinite turbulent waves, as well as incredibly intense disbelief, fear, and despair are set off in the hearts of Bliss and Whispering!

They are puzzled!

Even with tens of billions of years of life experience, it is impossible to see how Su Lang did this!

They fear and despair!

Bailian and Ruohai were beheaded with a single sword, now it's their turn!


When the two were horrified, they saw an indomitable super humanoid weapon emerging from the space, and the long sword in his hand had already cut out the most terrifying sword!

Break a sword! !

But I saw that the sword light containing all the power to restrain everything, directly destroyed everything along the way, let alone space, even time was faintly broken by it!

Can't tell how short it is.

Probably only one thought time.

Su Lang condensed the mighty power of the Boundless, and the Po Yi sword slashed with the brand new Youtian Sword fell fiercely on the bodies of Bliss and Whispering.


Countless defensive methods erupted from both.

But to no avail, the layers of barriers are like soap bubbles in front of Po Yi Jian Jian Guang, which will break at the touch of a touch!

at this time.

"Naughty animal, stop me!"

An extremely angry voice was shaking the earth, the sky suddenly turned into pure gold, and countless Buddha lights shone.

The golden figure of Mi Ling Buddha seemed to have used some kind of secret technique that cost a lot of money to support it in the shortest time!


He came with a terrifying attack

——Contains powerful time rules, infinitely close to the half-step eternal attack!

Almost instantly, it was about to fall on the Infinity!

"Ha ha!"

"Old bald donkey, just watch your last two Jiuyan realm disciples fall!!"

A sneer appeared in Su Lang's heart, and he didn't care about the golden figure of the Buddha Mi Ling at all, breaking a sword and smashing the defenses of Bliss and Whirling!

puff--! !

In an instant blood spilled into the sky!

Two deadly heads flew high.

Obviously, he was almost indestructible in the Jiuyan Realm's early powerhouse, but he was killed on the spot by the weird force of Youtian Sword that broke the defense and died.

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