One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2178: Half-step eternal ruyanying

I saw a treasure hunting flying flying flying by pretending to be innocent passing by, watching the every move of the immortal Emperor Zhou!

Through the sight of the treasure hunting flying flying flying, Su Lang can naturally see the immortal Emperor Zhou and her movements.

"This woman is so strong!"

"Half a step in the eternal state! She is the immortal Emperor Zhou!"

After Su Lang discovered the immortal Emperor Zhou, he was surprised and called up the attribute panel of the immortal Emperor Zhou.

[Name]: Ru Yanying

[Race]: Yu E

[Qualification Level]: Absolutely (Yue Mingxin)

[Realm level]: Half-step eternity

[Attack level]: Half-step eternal

[Defensive level]: Half-step eternal

[Shenfa level]: Half-step eternal

[Endurance Level]: Half-step eternal

[Spirit Level]: Realm of Pure Nirvana+

[Master the exercises]: Yu'e Xuanyu Youshu (major), Yu'e Mingxinlu (too elementary, founding), Anyu Mingxin Jue (too elementary, founding), Wuheng Time and Space Map (too elementary, perfect )......

"A standard half-step eternal realm powerhouse!"

Su Lang narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a touch of fear.

This kind of existence has already grasped the rules of time to the limit, and has touched the realm of condensing the time avenue and completely supplementing the power of its own avenue!

With Su Lang's combat power and hole cards at this time.

There is no way to defeat this existence for the time being.

"What is Ru Yanying doing?"

"It seems to be setting up a formation!?"

Su Lang stared at the Immortal Emperor Zhou carefully, and quickly saw what she was doing.


He also directly learned the formation of the Immortal Emperor Zhou, and learned the function of the formation.

"It's the unique formation of Yuanming's natural universe!"

"It combines a special rune system and formation system."

"And also with the help of equipment treasures, together to create this bizarre array method!"

"And this kind of array method uses ultra-long-distance transmission as the main body, supplemented by concealing oneself, monitoring, and suppressing movement within the range of the array method."

"It is estimated that even half an eternity will not escape being monitored by it!"

"Unexpectedly, Emperor Immortal Zhou actually mastered such a powerful formation technique."

"Well, the teleportation formation in this combined formation seems to be able to directly pull the designated target back from infinity, which is equivalent to a one-time single space crossing formation!"

"It seems that Emperor Immortal Zhou wants to leave the Tianting Continent!!"

Su Lang's eyes flashed with thoughtful light, and he quickly guessed the intention of the immortal Emperor Zhou.


The immortal emperor must have learned that all his four great nine emperors died in the beginning

It is estimated that I also learned the tragic situation of the almost complete destruction of the too junior powerhouse in Tianmi Continent!

Therefore, she couldn't sit still anymore, and had to personally act on the Tianmen Continent.

And the means of transmission, monitoring, and suppression left by Emperor Immortal Zhou were all prepared for Taiyi in the East!

Once Taiyi Taiyi changes, she can immediately return to the Tianting Continent to suppress Taiyi Dongfang!

"So to say!"

"Around the array-like means arranged by the Immortal Emperor Zhou is the place where Taiyi One is located!!"

Su Lang's eyes lit up, revealing a touch of excitement!

He is interested in Eastern Taiyi!

Dongfang Taiyi is a true half-step eternal powerhouse.

Even if he is seriously injured, he still has the half-step eternal time rule basis.

If he can be rescued and joined his camp, he will definitely be invincible below the eternal realm!


"Emperor Immortal wants to leave, trouble me!"

"I don't know, I'm going to touch her **** soon!"

The corner of Su Lang's mouth stretched out a sly and smug smile, "Well, but before that, it's indispensable to have a strong face with Tianmi Continent!"

He speculated that the immortal Emperor Zhou and the Mi Ling Buddha must unite to engage him through Qi.

After the immortal Emperor Zhou leaves the Tianting Continent, he may join the Mi Ling Buddha and attack the Tianmen Continent, or he may go directly to the Tian Ting Continent to kill.

Not to mention Su Lang's killing intent on the golden figure of Buddha Mi Ling, bliss and whirling.

Even if it is to prevent Emperor Eternal from killing the Heavenly Continent directly, he will continue to do things in the Continent of Heavenly Mi to attract the attention of Emperor Eternal!

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