One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2156: The terrifying immortal Emperor Zhou

The system prompt sounds.

Even if the Emperor Wu Dutai is active, he will not be able to resurrect!

"Next, continue to kill!!"

Su Lang stuffed a large amount of recovery-like pill into his mouth, constantly regaining his strength, while checking the traces of the remaining ten people through the Heavenly Void Realm.

Two of them, Chunqiuyi and Guihaiqi, who are too junior, have fled to a very, very far place.

The speed of those eight great early powerhouses in the Bayan realm was much slower.


In order to survive, several of them disguised themselves as warriors on the Heavenly Continent.

But they didn't know that all their actions had been captured by the servers of the Heavenly Void Realm, and their traces were even more visible!

There are also a few hopes to hold some warriors from the Heavenly Misty Continent so that Su Lang can throw a rat-avoidance weapon.

However, they discovered that no matter where it is, there is no intelligent creature!

Because countless wise creatures have long been transferred to a safe place by the Heavenly Void Realm!

"These Bayan realms can't escape no matter what."

"It's better to solve that even Nine Yan Primordial Beginning Stage first!"

Several thoughts flashed in Su Lang's mind, and immediately used his divine mind to lock on the Jiuyan Taichu named Gui Haiqi.

next moment.

"Transport network, start!"

Su Lang directly relied on the Heavenly Nether Realm to transmit to the Internet, and sent it to a place not far from Gui Haiqi, and pulled it into the Nianfeng space.


"You, you have killed Shang Mouzhuo and Wang Dutai! How could it be so fast!?"

"It's over, it's over...I don't want to die!"


When Gui Haiqi saw Su Lang appearing under the Infinity, he was panicked, and bursts of despair rose in his heart!


Despair is useless.

He has become the prey that Su Lang will kill...

And just as Su Lang kept chasing and killing Gui Haiqi.

In the Tianting Continent.

Emperor Zhou is stunned!

"That Su Lang unexpectedly exploded with an aura that exceeded Jiuyan's elementary level!!"

"Even if you haven't really reached the half-step eternal state, the people under your husband may not be able to stop it!!"

"What can I do, what can I do!?"


Indestructible Emperor Zhou had a rare panic, which was an emotion she hadn't seen in countless years.

If the subordinate she sent out is her own subordinate.

With her means, she can sacrifice one person like she sacrificed Shen Shuang, and travel through the passage of time and space to get Su Lang in the past.


At this time, Shang Mouzhuo and others sent out by her were all powerful under the command of Emperor Mingzhou, her husband.

There are no special methods she planted on these people.

Therefore, she has no way to reach the Tianmen Continent in a short time at this time!

She felt a panic of fear when she thought that the powerful under her husband fell because of her negligence.

Even if she is the Taoist companion of Emperor Yuanmingzhou.

But she knew that Emperor Yuanmingzhou had no feelings at all, and everyone would kill if he was angry!

"How to do how to do......!"

The immortal Emperor Zhou was shocked when he thought of the terrible Emperor Yuanmingzhou.

at this time.

An aura flashed through her mind!


"The fifteen sacred beasts sent out before are all under my command, and I have planted time and space channels."

"Although the sacred beasts have been taken into the body by Na Su Lang, it is not without hope!"

"If you can contact those sacred beasts, things will turn for the better!"


The Immortal Emperor Zhou thought so, and immediately used his unique means to sense the marks he had left on the fifteen divine beasts.


Soon, her face became more and more ugly!

Because she couldn't feel the mark left on the beasts.

after all.

The Heavenly Ting Continent and the Heavenly Mian Continent are so far apart, and there is a time and space sky trench in between.

The sacred beasts were put into their own body world by Su Lang again, with the barrier of Infinity, and their own barrier.

Under repeated obstacles.

Emperor Zhou could hardly feel the imprint he had left on the beasts.

"No! I must do it!"

With a bite of the silver teeth of the Immortal Emperor Zhou, all kinds of mysteries burst out!

at last!

She felt the mark on one of the beasts.

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