One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2138: The phoenix breaks through, the Bayan Realm!

"The source of the birth of the phoenix?"

Su Lang's expression moved, his eyes revealed surprise, "That means you can easily perceive the specific location of Tianting Continent!"

Although the boundless world is divided into four parts, and the general direction is relatively clear.

But the emptiness of the universe is too vast.

Even if you know the general direction, it is not easy to find a specific location.

Until now.

The clone that Su Lang dispatched had not yet found the specific location of the Tianting Continent.

The Heavenly Jade Continent knows the exact coordinates, because he has a Heavenly Jade army composed of warriors from the Heavenly Jade Continent.


Only Tianting Continent was not found.

But now, the Phoenix can sense the origin of the Phoenix's birth on the Tianting Continent, and naturally it can directly find the location of the Tianting Continent.

"Yes, great majesty!"

"Little Phoenix can sense the location of Tianting Continent!"

"Not only that, Xiaohuang can use the talent and magical powers of the Phoenix family to return directly to the nest and return to the birthplace of the Phoenix on the Tianting Continent!"

Phoenix nodded in various ways, and said news that surprised Su Lang even more.

"Go straight back to Tianting Continent!?"

"This is really good news!"

"The periphery of Tianting Continent must be the same as Tianmi Continent, with a large number of martial artists to monitor."

"My treasure hunt flying flying gliders and clones are going to reach the Heavenly Continent, and they will definitely be discovered."

"If you want to unknowingly enter the Celestial Continent, it is not easy."

"Now that we can directly reach the Tianting Continent, those who are stalking outside will definitely not be able to find it."

A gleam of excitement flashed in Su Lang's eyes, "Go, let's go to the Heavenly Continent to have a try!!"


Su Lang took the phoenix together, and through the teleportation function of the Celestial Void Realm, left the place of exile and arrived at the Celestial Continent.

Just appeared in the Tianmen Continent.

Su Lang and Phoenix felt that the energy of the heavens and the earth around them was so thin that they were unbearable.

"This is how easy it is to change from frugality to luxury, and it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality."

"In the future, I am afraid that no one will want to leave the training area of ??the exile!"

Su Lang thought in his heart, then looked at Phoenix, "How about it, can you feel the source of the Phoenix?"

There is no cost to feel the source of the birth of the phoenix.

If you use the homing ability, you need to pay a certain price.

"Your Majesty, I will try now!"

The phoenix nodded, then closed his eyes and began to use his talents and supernatural powers, feeling the existence of the source of the phoenix.


He opened his eyes.

Excitement and excitement in his eyes!

"His Majesty!"

"I have felt the existence of the source of the birth of the phoenix!"

"If you spend a certain price, you can come home now!"

The phoenix said excitedly, after he was killed, he was sealed for billions of years.

At this moment, he felt the existence of the source of the phoenix, and the long-lost feeling surged in his heart, making him feel excited and difficult to calm down.


"That's great!"

Su Lang also opened his eyes and smiled, "Is that right, I just don't know if the movement when returning home is big."

This question came out.

"Your Majesty, the movement is indeed quite big."

"And also to pay a certain price."

Phoenix suddenly smiled bitterly: "In addition, Emperor Yuanmingzhou's subordinates are constantly monitoring the Tianting Continent. Once Xiaohuang returns, he will still be discovered."

"that's true."

"However, one more way to travel to the Tianting Continent is better than none."

"In the future, it may be useful to get this."

Su Lang nodded slightly before asking again, "What useful news is there in your awakened memory?"

"Return to your Majesty!"

"There is really a news."

"At the time when the Infinite Realm fought, the predecessor of the Infinite Universe, the eternal powerhouse under the command of the emperor, the leader of the mythical beast clan, Oriental Taiyi, was suspected of being seriously injured and not dead."

"It stands to reason that the Tianting Continent has resisted stubbornly and refused to surrender for billions of years. The Emperor Yuanming Zhou had already destroyed it."

"It's like destroying the Heavenly Jade Continent, killing all the creatures on it."

A gleam of surprise flashed in Phoenix's eyes, "But he didn't do that. There must be some scruples about this!"

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